Remedy for CPS child abduction without due process

Policy to immediately stop CPS. Make arrests of every agent carrying out this program fraud, the “judges” and court workers who used this to create a Private members association to make money from federal funds abducting children. This is a kids for cash scandal that requires mass arrests, and an immediate stop to cps cases. Remedy made available to parents and an immediate return of children to parents who sent notices to officials they were breaking the law and demanded their children back. Children were involuntarily adopted while the “government” ignored notices like what I have attached need to be returned and and those to blame need to be held liable for every day children were not returned to their parents who fought for them and tried to find help with agents in our system but were ignored. Years went by with no remedy. Biden’s presidency enabled the system to think they would get away with it. A remedy to the injustice must be made available. Immediate return of children upon request of the parents is the policy.

CPS and partners are trafficking, as they never were given the power to snatch kids with no due process of law to remove a fundamental liberty interest such as our rights to parent. ASFA, CAPTA and social security act of 1935 say CPS cant do what they’re doing. CPS are doing program fraud to collect title-Iv funds. They have partners and the system gets a piece of the pie too when a child is removed: police, therapists, doctors, daycare etc. CPS is a private business. Without parental consent they move children from point A to point B in order to collect a profit from funds from a federal program.

They were never given the authority to remove children from the home without making criminal charges for child abuse or neglect but in 99 percent of cases there are no charges and parents are innocent. There is no oversight on what CPS is doing. They’re holding tribunals and pretending like it is a judicial court when they never determine if parents were wrong or right. It’s not a real court. The judge isn’t working in a judicial capacity, the “judge” or “clerk” really just write the orders that allow CPS to collect title IV-E funds. This results in child abduction, the system isn’t working. 88 percent of human trafficking victims went missing out of the United States foster care system. Some of these partnerships cps makes are with nepharious NGOs and sex offenders and abusers. They fail to protect children and put them in danger—removing biological parents from their lives who wanted to protect them. Stop child protective services & provide remedy for what was done to children, patents and families as the result of this criminal activity and fraud going on with no genuine oversight. The courts across America are in on this fraud—it is a big money maker. Provide remedy for parents to have their children back in their care custody and control with reparations for the damage family court caused.