End this corrupt agency. Child Protective Services has done more harm to the American family than any other agency. Due to the money that is allocated through Title IV E on the county level, the agency favors and purposely keeps children in the {foster care} system. There is actually a structured time frame and allocated fee schedule to destroy your family and children once subject to this agency. This must end. Bio families are fighting for their children and losing generational wealth hiring lawyers who are a part of the problem. This is child trafficking under a RICO type structure. Return our children to their parents. Fathers and mothers should not have their rights terminated by these Hearing Administrators who profit to keep the family broken. The corrupt DAs that bring these charges work for the State and the parent does not stand a chance against this mammoth institution. A Hearing Administrator should NEVER have the right to “remove” a parents parental right, these rights are from our Creator to held self evident. Bio families have been ignored and children have been lied to by people who have a monetary interest in keeping the child away from their family. This agency is evil. In the name of Nancy Scheaffer please support me in ending CPS. This agency traffics children within a for profit structured organization, alienates children from their family, heritage and extended family, cripples the family unit and targets the parent as unfit. Thank you for reading. please support and share