Regulate Car insurance companies

Someone needs to regulate how Auto Insurance companies evaluate drivers and what they can deny or drop drivers for. They should not be allowed to raise your rates or drop you for incidents that are not your fault. Being rear ended by someone your insurance having to pay out because they had bad insurance or no insurance shouldn’t be a valid reason to drop you. Neither should having your windshield replaced when it is broken on the freeway when you pay for glass coverage. these insurance companies are getting out of control. why have coverage if we are expected to not use it.


In addition they shouldn’t continually raise rates when no claims have been filed against the policy. I haven’t had a claim on home or auto in many years and my insurance continues to increase every renewal. My flood insurance is so dang high and I’ve never used it. When I first started having flood ins it was 125.00 a year. This year it was 950.00. That’s in addition to my home owner’s insurance.

Insurance is breaking everyone.

We should not be encouraging government to regulate even more private programs, instead we should encourage deregulation to encourage more insurance choices.