Adults age 21 and under must have a co-signor for gun purchases. This co-signor assumes legal responsibility should the gun be used in a crime.
Good goal, but that won’t achieve it. Instead, I propose hardening schools, and allowing teachers and staff (who want to do so) to be and remain armed while doing their work.
The police should try to catch school shooters alive, and executions of school shooters should be painful and public.
Metal detectors at entry doors and bullet proof glass surrounding school offices. Armed resource officers.
I agree with this. Let those teachers and staff members who want to carry, let them carry. By making schools gun free zones, they have let the kids be sitting ducks so to speak.
I’m ok with more armed security at schools. But in the course of children going to schools, I have run into a lot of teachers that I barely trust unarmed, let alone with a gun. I do not want armed teachers. Some might handle the responsibility well, but I think it’s asking for more problems than it will fix.
I’m going to have to disagree with this. At the age of 18, you are considered an adult (legally at least) and should be the only one held accountable for your own actions. I do support charging parents, and holding them partially responsible for any firearms that fall into the possession of a minor who commits a crime with it.
Any teacher who should not be trusted armed with my children, will not be trusted with my children unarmed
OK, I suppose that’s a fair point. But we don’t always get to decide who a new hire or a transfer is, so there’s always that chance of unstable people slipping under the radar.
Nearly every problem facing our great country today can be linked to the shortage of Dads. I spent most of my years growing up without a father.
Promote policies that help every child to either have a great dad or have a father figure involved in their life in some capacity. Policies that promote the involvement of Dads in our culture are severely needed.
Fathers mean less poverty, less crime, and less overall hardship. Fathers are paramount in helping kids grow up to stand on solid ground. Thank you.
Friend, shall not be infringed means no violations of the human right to own firearms.
We have the 2nd amendment for a reason and what your propose does not conform to our constitution. Restricting people from this right does not stop the unstable from doing harm. How many school shooters are over 18? We need firearm safety classes in schools so kids understand from a young age how to handle them and have a respect for them. This nonsense of acting like guns are the problem comes from an ignorance of 1) our nation’s history, and 2) what causes people to commit these crimes.
Just place the courthouses in the schools. Then they will all be the safest places in the districts.
We need to scrutinize the over prescribing of SSRI’s to children and really to everyone. The Pharm sponsored news doesn’t report, but I believe many if not most school shooters have been taking SSRI’s… these very profitable pharmaceutical products have block box warnings that say that they can cause “hom icid al or su ic idal tendencies”, sadly. We need to stop over prescribing these products and give kids better school systems, better/ less harmful medical care , healthier food, more sunshine, freedom and outdoor time all to be happier, healthier, kinder, smarter, stronger children then adults
How about improving the mental health system to stop the problem before it starts and hiring veterans to be armed security for the schools.
The problem with our Mental Health systems is partly due to insurance coverage. According to most facilities you are cured when your insurance runs out. This happened in my family.
I would like to propose that President elect Trump look at putting armed US veterans at every school in the United States to eliminate school shootings that have been happening.
No more infringement on the 2A. Get rid of the gun free zones. Crime will go down. Stop making areas weak. Schools are vulnerable. Easy targets for criminals.
So I’m a LEO and I put on a lot of active attack training for both Law Enforcement and civilians, I put together a plan that I think approaches the problem from all angles. If you all wouldn’t mind, I would love any feedback.