"Put Body-Cams on Politicians" & Other Fancy Ideas for Transparency in Government 👁️

This thread is a little attempt at humor, but also a sincere wish for more transparency & accountability in Washington DC. This is a relaxed creative space for fancy, unusual, or improbable ideas. It is a thought-experiment, but may bear insight and intrigue.

On second thought…Would it be possible? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Is there any way we can make 100% of meetings that happen between our elected officials, broadcasted by themselves on a live feed?
What would this look like?

Do they stick on the camera in the morning , and take it off when they leave government property?

Interesting questions arise like:
At what point is national security threat? At what point is it unlawful breach of personal privacy - or is it? How would this exposure affect our opinions of these people? How would it affect their own composure and ego? Would it produce a different kind of public servant? Perhaps a more honest one?

We need to be exposed to the day-to-day behavior of these people. We need a front row seat to how the sausage is made.

This proposal is simple, pretty ridiculous, somewhat Black Mirror-esque but I am genuinely curious to know the ways in which it might not actually be ridiculous. Of course it will also be fun to read ways it is totally bonkers.

Please contribute your own novel ideas for Transparency in government in this thread!

:circus_tent: FANCY IDEAS :circus_tent:

:movie_camera:Put Body Cams on Politicians inside their Meetings, share all videos of any DC Conference

:busts_in_silhouette:Require The President to give 3-hour casual interview with 1 podcaster every month

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Re: Law Enforcement Body-Cams

I agree with the premise of this. Clearly some of law enforcement have changed their ways with the use of body cams, and would expect a similar result from Congress.
IMO, they would need to wear them during certain hours or during all formal discussions: meetings, phone calls, in their offices. There would have to be some type of restrictions for national security reasons, and personal privacy. But if they would just turn off the cam and then make a phone call it becomes moot. Maybe they should have to record all phone calls to on their issued device, and legally register any other device they have.
Shouldn’t be an issue since the gov can already spy on us.

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Haha yes! Very cool, thank you.

That’s definitely what I am getting at here :dart:

The line between National Security vs Necessary Transparency has been abused. I.e. the Patriot Act

The government is not working hard enough to provide us with accountability. We should change the format - change the game - make it a game that gives the PEOPLE the maximum oversight, while still protecting our local assets. We need to stop all the war games to make this happen.

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