This policy proposal is to create a program that is interactive between agencies such as the FDA, (or a newly created agency, that creates food safety policy and evaluates the safety of food products and ingredients.) and the individual consumers.
The objective is to create a complete database of every known ingredient that is approved for food or that would be found in all foods. (For example, you would also want to include: any pesticides, hormones or residual ingredients in the foods from the processing and or manufacturing process. All manufacturing processes are not created equal.)
Once this complete database is established, (Which is a live database, managed and updated by the FDA (or newly created agency) as it becomes available.) the FDA (or newly established agency) would Assign a QR code to every manufacturer for every single product that would be displayed on every products packaging.
The consumer would be able to scan the QR code and review all the information through a new smart device app (free to consumers) provided by the FDA (or newly established agency). Consumers will be able to access simple data on their smart devices that would provide quick concise informed information about the food product that they are purchasing. The information should be as simple and concise as the “Nutrition Facts” which are posted on each food products packaging but with no misleading or changed information. This new information system would keep manufacturers from re-labeling harmful ingredients on their foods. (Example: Tartazine, aka Yellow Dye #5, aka Coal Tar.) The information would also provide “Fact Checked” product information by the FDA (or newly established agency).
The FDA (or newly established agency) would be established to ONLY look out for consumer protection and have no ties to any lobbyist, chemical, pharmaceutical or any other organization. We would need a separate organizational group to verify that there were no conflicts of interest with any FDA (or newly established agency) personnel and other organizations.
This is just a 10,000 ft overview. There are a lot of parts and pieces that it would take to orchestrate this, but it is doable with the right key people in place.