Pro-Adoption Tax Policies

While the US is experiencing low citizen birthrates, we are bitterly divided on abortion rights, but we can easily change the national conversation from abortion to ADOPTION … By creating pro-adoption tax policies like tax credits for adoption expenses (e.g. legal, mother’s healthcare & support), we can become the party of life by encouraging adoption and supporting mothers & adoptive families so that every child has a loving family all while making abortion safe and rare.

This is a hopeful message that would give a bitterly dividend nation a policy that everyone can support.


There should be more awareness about adoption as an option, especially for pregnancies of children with fetal abnormalities like Down Syndrome. They should fund the legal fees for adoption of children like those with Down Syndrome, too.

To see the rest of my policy ideas surrounding all of these issues, here’s the link:

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Oh, here’s the policy proposal where I addressed ideas to encourage people to choose adoption instead of abortion. I have neatened it up so the structure looks nicer now.