Reallocate funds from Planned parenthood to accessible adoption

Redirect funds currently allocated to Planned Parenthood to reform adoption services in the U.S. This would make adoption more affordable and accessible. By providing women with alternatives to abortion, we can also offer support such as medical care and therapy for mothers in need."



Also, my comprehensive proposal includes various direct, and indirect, ways encourage mothers in the toughest situations to choose life and/or adoption can be promoted, for example:

  • Require medical providers to inform their maternal patients, and for high schools and colleges to inform their students, and for Medicaid and insurance companies to inform their recipients, about their maternal health care rights outlined in these proposed laws, and their adoption options.
  • Informed consent for every elective abortion requires, among other things… an explicit description of …her available options/resources, and (if applicable) a warning about false positives for fetal abnormalities.

Alleviate fear and apprehension of choosing life for mothers of disabled babies

  • Fund healthcare services, surgeries and treatments necessary for patients with Trisomy 18, and track/study their progress/health outcomes, in order to uncover their survivability when receiving full medical interventions that are often denied to them, and improve standards of care.

Fund the adoption legal fees for pre-screened families for babies with major disabilities. Give birthmothers a federal right to choose adoption for newborns & visitation rights in adoption agreements.

  • Commit to policies and regulations to help protect disabled and seniors from abuse and neglect. Fund and authorize increases in caregiver and nursing staff to patient/resident ratios in group homes, nursing homes and long term care facilities. Assign a social worker to check in with disabled and senior patients/residents and ensure they are connected with their best available options and resources. Allow Medi-Care to fund in-home caregiving in cases in which the patient qualified for nursing or long-term care.
  • Require high schools to offer an awareness class, taught by a non-ideological, independently contracted source, regarding: … adoption;*

Would you please consider my proposal? It has a lot of other good stuff, too, to address the top concerns about abortion and pro-life laws, END the polarization/misinformation, and forever take away the Democrats’ biggest wedge issue:

RIGHT TO MATERNAL/FETAL HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION to stabilize the abortion issue

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