Prevent mass shootings / school shooting - nip the issue in the bud

Mental health care for people falling thru the cracks - Families are BEGGING for help and NOTHING.
My brother, 59, who has bipolar with psychosis and schizoaffective disorder had to BEG a psych to see him - with all his issues - a plethora - the doc basically did a drive thru and gave him meds - that was it - HE IS MESSED UP - he is scared of his own shadow, scared of the stove, and so very much more.
The doctor then scheduled his next appointment ON THE PHONE - after nurse checked my brother, told him the doc would call and NOTHING. Seriously

There should be a “social worker” type position to follow up on extreme mental cases. Trusting the patient to take pills and figure things out by themselves is simply not working.
Ultimately, my brother should be institutionalized or a group home at least with some type of coping skills. SOMETHING PLEASE.

The outsider with no friends and severely bullied – IF mental health is offered to them, that could prevent school and mass shootings. In schools – have someone with a psych background, identify the odd man out – the bullied ones. Offer them and family help.

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