Mass Shootings Policy - Emphasis on School Shootings and Teen Gun Violence

To significantly reduce mass shootings in the U.S. over the next 2 to 3 years, a policy that considers the impact of psychiatric drugs, as highlighted by RxISKS - could be crucial. According to research and advocacy from nonprofit organizations like A Better Bob Inc., there is concern that the over-prescription of psychotropic medications, such as ADHD, anti-anxiety, and anti-depression drugs, could be contributing to violent behavior in certain individuals. This is based on the argument that these medications, without proper psychiatric evaluation and follow-up, may trigger life-altering side effects, including aggression, mood changes, and suicidal tendencies.

Here are key elements for a comprehensive policy inspired by this information:

  1. Stricter Psychiatric Oversight: Implementing mandatory, thorough psychological evaluations by certified professionals before prescribing psychiatric medications, especially for younger patients. This includes ongoing monitoring for side effects that could lead to violent behavior.
  2. Better Regulation of Prescriptions: Limiting the use of psychiatric medications in cases where there are alternatives and improving transparency around the potential side effects of these drugs. This would involve updating guidelines for doctors and pharmacists to ensure informed decision-making.
  3. Public Awareness Campaign: Educating the public on the potential risks associated with psychotropic drugs. This would help individuals and families recognize warning signs of adverse reactions early and seek help before situations escalate.
  4. Improved Reporting and Tracking: Developing a system to track adverse reactions to psychiatric medications that could be linked to violent incidents, facilitating faster interventions and research into the link between medication and violence.

By integrating these strategies alongside traditional measures like gun safety and mental health support (Cognitive Talk Therapy), we could target both the behavioral health and policy aspects of the issue, leading to a measurable reduction in mass shootings. Lets Educate Not Medicate.


Watch the award-winning documentary film - “If I Had Known the Rxisks” (30 mins). View at

Here’s a quick view of the trailer: 2023_RxISKS_TRAILER_v12.mp4

RFK Jr. interview with Glenn Beck on School Shootings:

 Great subject.. Thank you for bringing it up... Amazing it's taken so long to say the prescription drug part out loud.. What must be noted is that the networks/ news programs reporting on school shootings is so hugely funded by big pharm.. see, "Ask your doctor if this drug is right for you.."  MSM is severely compromised/ paid off by big pharm unfortunately.  I agree that there needs to be stricter oversight, a lot stricter oversight on the prescription of these drugs.. 
 I'm no expert on gun violence but as a  mother, I think there are other factors involved in/causing the shootings AND causing the perceived need for SSRI's/benzos.  
 Many kids have no one at home to talk to.. Fewer kids have a stay at home parent.. parents are tired from work, busy getting ready for next day, financially stressed and on social media, kids are on social media, video games, etc... Many parents are very out of touch with their kids.  I see it all the time that my son is on line talking with other kids and their parents never check in on them over big blocks of time.. the kid puts it on video mode, walks out to put a piece of frozen pizza in the microwave and barely a word is spoken with the parents.  They're babysat by the computer and get very little attention.  Pretty sad.
 All this time on social media, playing video games, talking w virtual friends on Discord... are they getting any sunshine or exercise or normal social development by playing with real kids, learning to read social signals, deal with people in real life, real life conflict?   I seriously would not doubt that many kids are also super deficient in Vitamin D.
 The immunity- mental health link to microbiome.. See Sabine Hazan M.D. on X.. the state of the microbiome effects health including mental health, hugely.  Hazan showed that the Covid vaccine decimated people's bifidobacteria.  That's a big problem not to mention the understudied ill effects of all the other vaccines.
 In utero development.. is there a link between fetal alcohol syndrome and school shooters?   Just looking at their faces and some studies, it's a question.
 I think we also need to bring to parents, doctors attention the long term effect of these drugs... from seeing SSRI recovery groups on X, I understand that even after getting off these products, a person's emotional and sexual life has been deadened?  Who would want that for their child?

A critical issue given shootings, violence and suicides in America. Pharma has owned the narrative on mass shootings along with those who would like to remove the 2nd amendment. Adversities from prescription psychotropics can be horrific for the patients and society. Just look into it! Any parent who was provided signature based informed consent, understood the risks and also realized the likelihood of these psychotropics being drugs for life would probably try many other options to address whatever challenge they faced first. Mental health is a bigger issue in America than ANYWHERE! It’s the drugs. Get unbiased researchers in this now! There are solutions.

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Active Attacks are a problem that must be approached from every angle. I agree that if there is any data to suggest that prescription drugs have any role to play, then it should be researched to the full extent. I don’t have a background in the medical industry, but I did write up a proposal to attack the problem from a law enforcement standpoint. If you have time take a look and give any feedback.

Kyle, Thanks for reaching out. I hope you got the chance to review our website,, and watch the short documentary film “If I Had Known the Rxisks” (30 minutes). With this policy, we can reduce mass shootings by 50% within two years. Bob

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