I believe we should all have a option to pay into social security or to not, those who pay into it are able to draw like normal those who chose not to and keep that money on their payroll can not.
I hold a different view. The original concept SS was good. During the Great Depression many families had nothing and no savings to lean on. There are so many in this country even now that would never willingly contribute to any savings plan, opting to spend what they have instead. The big mistake was moving SS into the general fund. Politicians have tried to sell the notion that SS is kept in a “lock box” for a payees future is total fiction. Politicians will steal any money they can to use to influence a voting constituency. Unless the Government (including the President) is prohibited by law from being able spend a dime of the SS money collected, SS will always be their piggy bank.
I believe it could be totally abolished but there are to many people who think it’s absolutely necessary. Also it could serve people who do not have a 401k or pension from their employer, some people it could be good for others not so much that’s why I think we should have the option.