Currently you are required to opt out on all communications from people you do not want to receive calls, emails, or mail from because companies sell your info to 3rd parties. It should be the other way around. We should have to opt in if we want to be harassed by these companies!!!
This is a great idea. I own a small business, and spend too much time blocking, deleting, opting out, every day, JUST to get to my business emails. Also in text form now flooding my texts during elections and Black Friday etc. The current system is a drag on my productivity and hence not a positive part of my airwaves. Remember, the people of this country own the airwaves…
Please craft this bill to protect our personal communication platforms, email and Text. These advertisers should have to pay me, or subscribe to me, signing MY user agreement and terms of service.
Absolutely agree with this policy. I have been saying this for decades. Also, the government should not be able to post individuals information online including addresses or give it out or sell it without the citizen’s agreement (opting in). There are States that post individuals information online for various reasons including voting and business owners claiming it is public information. There is no reason for it to be posted online for the entire world to access for free without any tracking. And they should not be able to spam anyone with that information.
Currently many web sites collect email and phone numbers before you can see the content.
- Require businesses stop sending junk email and texts after 30 days of no site purchasing or account access.
- Stop the sale or transfer of user contact information.