No Taxes for Farmers, No Sales Tax on Fresh Food

This policy would require new FDA requirements for farm fresh foods: produce, meats, eggs, cheese, and milk. Those farmers who meet the requirements for unaltered fresh foods would not pay a federal income tax for those proceeds, and the foods would not be taxed for the consumer. This would encourage the development of new fresh food markets, maybe even something like an amazon delivery service, and could increase fresh food growth and consumption in American.


I also think it would be a good idea to go through state, county, district laws that prohibit home owners from growing their own food from sharing with friends and neighbors whom are not trying to actually “sell” food. Community gardens should be supported, planting things in empty lots that are not owned by anyone should be celebrated. In some areas there are sever empty lots where community gardens and parks could be brought to life for our neighbors and children. Community watch groups, church’s, and things of this nature could help maintain and contribute to these things once again.