mRNA disclosures on vaccinated food animals & eggs

This may also apply…

Side Note: Did you know that vaccine mfgrs use whole eggs as an incubator for breeding viruses? They inject their new experimental virus into the side of a whole egg and keep it nice and warm while the virus feeds on the yolk and multiplies. So when you think of “gain of function” and “Wuhan virus” and “COVID” and “BIRD FLU” … think of an egg that you might purchase in the grocery store. Wearing a face mask and staying six feet apart is not going to stop your scrambled eggs trom passing you the bird flu. Chickens and humans have co-existed for thousands of years without issues. DO NOT vaccinate your chickens…ever. The vaccines are the bridge between the bird and the human. Mother Nature doesn’t provide one…only a laboratory with a Frankenstein virus can offer that… and it comes inside of a shot, squirted directly into the blood stream.