Hold Pork Producers Who Create Prions And Spike Protiens In Their Meat Products Accountable Under The Nuremburg Code For Experimental Crimes Against Humanity

Currently, hog farmers are actively injecting market-bound pigs with mRNA vaccines which create prions and spike protiens in the pork products (sliced pork, hotdogs, sausage, etc) which the American People have been eating for the past three years. Many people have already injested these toxins because the hog farmers are secretly injecting these hogs numerous times and not informing the large meat-packing companies, who then DO NOT include warnings or any information on the package labels.

This is all being done behind the scenes. There is no other reason for these corrupt hog farmers to do this, unless to ensure that the prions and spike protiens are injested by the American population, which may lead to debilitations, extreme damage, and premature death. It is the hog farmer that initiates this experimentation (regardless of intent or ignorance) when said farmer initially injects the hog with the prion- and spike protien-generating catalyst. It is the hog farmer that must stand trial for this action if he is aware that this meat will eventually be consumed by humans.

As such, because this is a STRICT VIOLATION OF THE NUREMBURG CODE, where the American People are being subjected to undisclosed and unreasonable experimentation without being informed via warning labels or other communications, all participating hog farmers who are causing prions and spike protiens to develop within their hogs prior to market should be held in criminal violation of the Nuremburg Code, and stand before military tribunals for proper investigation and punishment where necessary. Americans are being attacked by toxic prions from this secretive experimentation initially carried out by the farmers (regardless of what other institutions or authority is assisting them with the methods or means to carry out these crimes against humanity).


That’s a problem. Wow. What is this world coming to? (The end I think.)

Can I ask a couple questions though please?

WHY are hog farmers doing this? Is there even a pretense of a good intent in there somewhere? I agree already that the ends do not justify the means and you’re exactly right about the lack of knowledge and lack of voluntary consent, I simply like to know what the people think they’re doing.

and, no offense, but do we know this is true? What source does this come from, if I may ask?

Sugarling, there are several articles already out on the internet regarding this disgusting practice. I have been following it for a while now. I will include a link to a very reputable source site which might give you more details regarding the hog vaccination program being pushed by Big Pharma. An excerpt is also provided below. Hope this helps. Thx…

"Pork producers in America have been administering mRNA-based gene therapy to pigs secretly, contaminating pork with self-assembling nanoparticles.

Harrisvaccines pioneered RNA-based livestock vaccines, acquired by Merck Animal Health in 2016, leading to the prevalence of unregulated gene therapy in the livestock sector.

Merck introduced Sequivity, a swine vaccine platform in collaboration with Moderna, without safety testing, raising concerns about consumer health risks.

Companies plan to expand mRNA “vaccines” to avian influenza, cows, and cattle, prompting the need for transparent labeling and stringent regulations to protect public health.

Consumers are advised to avoid pork products possibly tainted with mRNA vaccines, highlighting the urgent need for transparency and accountability in the food industry.

There’s never been a more tell-tale sign that the medical industry in America wants to kill Americans than the injection of mRNA “technology” into farm animals we consume. These animals were never in danger of contracting or dying from Covid-19, so why inject them with “vaccines” that create millions of spike prions in the blood and body? The globalists, like Bill Gates, want everyone, not just the naïve vaccinated, to have bodies polluted with nanoparticles that create horrific health conditions for Big Pharma to “treat” with more poison".





Your family is being slowly poisoned by prions and spike protiens that may reduce your lifespan by 1/3. For those of you who vote for Democratic Congresspeople, you need to ask yourself why you are helping to reduce your own lifespan.


Oh boy. No I hadn’t heard about that and it looks true. Thankyou for the information.

Murder. It’s simply open murder after they’ve found the vax is injuring people, for sure, no maybes …

All I’ve got is swear words for this one so I’ll be quiet :zipper_mouth_face: for the moment.

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The only reason I can think of for this practice is to knowingly vax people against their will.

Those who wanted the vax went and got it. Those who didn’t want it but gave in to pressures went and got it. The only people who don’t have it are those who actively don’t want it. This is to knowingly force it on those people without their knowledge or consent.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised this one is mostly getting crickets. People these days will probably want a parade for livestock’s rights to get the vax… Make a trillion dollar bill to fund livestock inclusivity with cows and chickens weeping with envy that hogs are vaxd before them, demanding their vax rights.

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I think you nailed it. And it will take out millions…and then the crickets will become deafening.

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I think we’re looking at Billions before they’re done.

Screwed up genes may take a long time to have their effect but they’ll get to it

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That is the plan: Depopulation of the Planet. Looks like its rolling right along, sad to say.

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Exactly. This isn’t only about America, it’s something being done against the human race.

Hurray if President Trump really is a good guy and really does want to make big good changes. I hope he does. I hope he doesn’t get stopped in everything he tries to do like last time. Enforcing the laws of the land again would be fantastic. But even if so, even if those responsible have said book thrown at them to the very last one, I worry very much that it’s too late. The population is completely divided, much of it more than half crazed. The country is beyond bankrupt. Every institution is corrupt. The sky, the land, the water and the people are poisoned and sick. Worse, they have no morals left, which is really the only thing that could save us.

One nation could crumble like this and the world would be okay. But all of them? We’re so done for.

As I’ve implied elsewhere on here, this is so obviously intentional and artificial- how could all these countries with all their differences of history and culture come up with exactly the same issues naturally and all at once? No way. Somebody has planned this to happen and planned it for a long long time. It’s not about politics or Republican vs Democrats. What I see is anti human and it’s global.

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Looks like traction here…

Specifically, it is the spike proteins and prions that are caused by these mRNA vaccines that is reeking so much havoc inside the human body. Now they have included this damaging experimental toxin in our pork supply without our knowlege. This is intentional attempted genocide.

UPDATE - Further fact-checking reveals that the above claim of JFK Jr. winning a lawsuit is unfounded. This does not mean that the ongoing Deep State genocide is unfounded - it simply means that there may be purposeful misinformation put out regarding mRNA judicial activity. MRNA vaccines, their resultant spike proteins, prions, immunological and cardiological damage remain a grave threat to Humanity.

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Genocide is a good word for it.

Has anyone attempted to K I L L the whole human race before?

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No, but the desire has been there for ages with megalomaniacs. Technology has finally caught up with the desire to do so, and we are now in the crosshairs of these alignments.

Well I don’t put much stock in the ap or fact checkers in general but I wanted to read more about this and first thing found the following:

(Sorry I don’t know how to link to it)

CLAIM: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won a U.S. Supreme Court case against “all the pharmaceutical lobbyists” in which the court ruled that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines cause “irreparable” damage.
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. There has been no such Supreme Court ruling, according to the court’s comprehensive online archive of opinions. Kennedy, a lawyer who has advocated against vaccines, told The Associated Press in 2021 that articles sharing similar claims were false. At the time, he said he had been involved in dozens of lawsuits regarding vaccine safety, but none had reached the Supreme Court

THE FACTS: The baseless claim about Kennedy winning a Supreme Court case related to COVID-19 vaccine safety has circulated online for more than a year, driven by fringe blog posts in multiple languages.

Versions of the claim reemerged on Twitter this month. The posts share an image of Kennedy alongside a paragraph of text purportedly describing the recent ruling. The text contains several spelling, capitalization and grammatical errors."

Sorry. Looks like it probably isn’t true. I wish it was, what a help that would be. Does anyone know any different? The ‘fact checkers’ are often lying …

This may be true (that this is misinformation), which is why I said “It looks like traction”. I was going to remove the image based on the fact-check you provided; however, Ieaving it up will also reveal to others how Deep State misinformation and misdirection tactics work to discredit those who attempt to shine a light on their activities. As for the larger picture, I am confident that JFK Jr. will be shutting down this genocide, regardless if he wins a judicial case or not - I believe that is what keeps the pharmaceutical Deep State up at night.

The fact that spike proteins and prions are lethal, and are a product of mRNA technologies is undeniable (regardless of what fact-checkers might report). JFK Jr. getting traction in a court case does not lessen this truth.

Do keep in mind that it is in the interest of the Deep State to often circulate misinformation in order to discredit public lines of discussion that are contrary to the interests of said Deep State. I updated the original post with the fact-check info and will vet claims as such more thoroughly before posting.

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I agree. In fact, I had come back in here to come say that even if this report is false, it actually demonstrates a different but very important issue: That someone is making false reports to the public like this in a concerted effort, and on both sides.

I’ve watched the news, seen what we’re told to believe was said in an interview then went and watched the whole interview and found no way to reasonably believe what I was told by the news. They were not making a slight mistake or misunderstanding or different way to understand it, they were flat out lying, with no wiggle room. This article you found is another, worse example of the same. Someone made that and circulated it, knowing it was completely false. That’s not accidental. I don’t know for sure who did it. I’m glad you left it though so people can see this conversation. It looks credible. The little sneer in the fact check about the spelling mistakes means nothing anymore, it’s just to make us feel stupid and humiliated for being lied to. No one can spell anymore. Even the news headlines are often spelled incorrectly these days. It’s fodder for people on the left to come crow at how stupid anyone is for believing it, like people are stupid for receiving a lie instead of the liars being at fault… when the same people get in a lather if you DON’T believe the Faucci 's of the world (I’m not sure I spelled his name right :laughing: ) etc. They’re the biggest enthusiasts of believe what you’re told, but choose their sources not other ones, I guess.

It’s bs and it’s very intentional.

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I do hope it was clear I wasn’t jumping on you with putting up the fact check thing. It was just what I happened to find when I went looking and the unsympathetic tone was theirs, not mine.

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Sugarling, not to worry – my skin is a whole lot thicker than that. We are on the same team here, pushing for the same ends. If something needs clearing up for the rest of us, and if I don’t spot it, I would certainly hope you or somebody else would. This text is not for me – I already know what is in my head and it can’t easily be changed. The text is to help others who do not know as much. Thank you, and I would expect nothing less from another sister patriot. :slight_smile:

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