Currently, the USDA is researching and developing a vaccine for bird flu in cattle. The USDA is also conducting field trials of the vaccine.
Unfortunately, even if you refused vaccine, you might end up with vaccine in your body through food. Please mark it with the information or not allowing vaccine in our food at all.
They are also researching putting it in plants. Current research is for lettuce. They want to put it in crops that they can grow an entire field. Ban all mRNA vaccines. Ban vaccines in any animals or plants. No mandatory. Also goverment needs to stop buying vaccines on taxpayer money and stop the patents on vaccine technology that gov makes money off.
If we are lucky enough to get vaccines banned from our food then I just see them labeling vaccines differently to get around it. The verbiage used to do this needs to give assurance to the consumers and not provide a way around foreign material being injected into the food. A word like Kosher gives reassurance the food is prepared and handled to their likes. We need something like that to mean our food has been handled and prepared to our acceptable standard with no getting around it.
Karen, actually I am not currently shopping for pork. The policy for stopping spike protein contamination in store-bought pork products is for the health of others, like family, friends, and our generations beneath us – not for tomorrow’s dinner…lol. Many thanks though.
Good point. We need to promote family farms, regenerative farms, real organic. Unfortunately, corporations also have taken over organic by doing things like passing hydroponics to be included in the label and allowing stationary buildings for growing food etc. Organic means outside in the soil and sun etc. But corporations saw the organic movement as competition so they stomped it out by getting the USDA to allow cheats.
I agree they will try it. Wording has to be very specific to not allow loopholes.