Legalize Raw Milk and Dairy
I propose that the following 3 policy proposals, about legalizing the sale of raw milk and dairy products get merged:
Written by @Larrympoole2
Written by @ThomasPaine
Writen by @Darby
Explanation & Justification
Free people should have a right to determine what they eat/drink and what they feed their families. Many people prefer raw milk for its nutritional value and it health-promoting properties, but are prevented from buying or selling it by laws where they live. The right to buy and sell raw dairy products should be protected at the federal level, as part of restoring citizens’ sovereignty over what they put in their bodies.
Proposed Policy #1 has the most substance in it including detail features of the policy, although it stops short of requiring raw milk/dairy sales be protected universally and just moves the responsibility to the state. Controlling what we choose to eat is fundamental to individual freedom, and should be protected at all levels.
Proposed Policy #2 has the essential expectation for free excercise of personal choice and I think this is critical at the federal level.
Raw Milk and Raw Milk products should be allowed to be bought and sold between two consenting parties.
Proposed Policy #3 has some additional details regarding removal of restrictions and sales in stores, rather than limiting it to person-to-person.
These proposals might be merged with other food-choice and food-production policy proposals, however I didn’t include those because raw dairy is specially regulated under lobbying by the American Dairy Association. Their lobbying bias promotes regulation that favors factory-farms and industrial aggriculture, and imposes excessive and unnecessary regulatory burdens on small, independent, and local producers.
Some of the differences between dairy and other food production include the impact of high-volume production. Factors that are especially significant for raw dairy include:
- Industrial-level dairy production may not be suitable for safe raw milk handling.
- Small farms CAN safely handle raw milk.
- Handling, production, and storage methods for small producers and industrial producers do not overlap, and risks are not the same for both environments.
- Small farms should not be subject to the same restrictions/regulations as industrial production.
- Local or State entities that outlaw sales of raw milk and dairy products infringe our freedom to choose the best way to feed and care for ourselves and our families.
Merging these 3 proposals will collect the various impacts of protecting raw milk sales.