Legalize Raw Dairy. Grocery stores should be able.tonsell taw dairy. This includes raw milk, raw butter and raw cream.
File this under Food
If one looks at the subject objectively it turns out that the public health scare from raw milk, and the subsequent restrictions and regulations, are based on an assumption rather than factual evidence. This clearly shows that there is an unfounded bias against raw milk being dangerous which makes it harder, in some instances impossible to get.
And often places the farmers unter unfounded and unnecessary regulatory pressure.
This highlights possible corruption, or at the least severe ignorance, in the responsible regulatory agencies.
But of course, they can get away with it as long as people remain uniform on the subject. This leads to the public being cheated out of healthful products for no apparent good reasoning.
To prove the safety and healthfulness of raw milk, I would encourage people to look up, read and spread the:
Petition and Report in Favor of Natural Milk by Aajonus Vonderplaniz, Ph.D.
Yes. Tired of driving an hour just to buy something that is helping my health so much!
I agree! The FDA wants to keep healthy stuff away and claim it’s bad for you.
Any issues are due to poor handling, not the milk itself.
This is also in the Food catagory a few times.
I agree with the idea of legalizing raw dairy, especially with growing consumer demand for more natural, unprocessed food options. However, to ensure safety, we could implement state-level guidelines that allow for the sale of raw dairy while maintaining basic handling and sanitation standards. This would provide consumers with the freedom to choose raw dairy, while protecting public health. States should have the authority to decide the best approach for their communities, ensuring both freedom and safety without excessive federal interference.
ban the banning of things that use any sort of emotional rhetoric in the argument while hypocritically doing the opposite i.e Banning raw milk on the basis of “people’s health” but allowing a plethora of other junk.
this isn’t a matter of trade offs. we are not stupid. stop it.
He we have a great demonstration of a fundamental flaw in the US legislative arena. The suggestion that raw milk should be legalized is 100% the wrong statement. It should be the other way around: Unless something is explicitly prohibited, it is legal. We don’t need laws to allow us to do anything. We can do anything, except that which has been forbidden. And for those things forbidden, they should be thoroughly tested in a court of law to ensure that it’s really necessary to have them forbidden. I suspect that most of the “forbiddens” will be scrapped if we follow this principle.
YES!!! 100 million times yes!!!
I 100% support legalizing raw dairy in North Carolina! It’s not fair that we have to drive to South Carolina to buy raw milk.
I agree, but technically the states shouldnt tell me i can or cannot consume raw milk. I think that should be a personal choice.
100% on board with this!!!
Yes allow our farmers to sell us raw milk for health. Also without chemicals and available for butter, cheese and cream. We deserve to be allowed to naturally control our own health.
Raw milk has many benefits, why it is illegal is more cocerning then for the benefit of health.
Via Negativa is the term
I completely agree. Ever since I found a raw milk farmer close to my home, I haven’t purchased pasteurized milk from a store in a couple years. The raw milk has better nutrients than the pasteurized version, PLUS, I know what my local farmer is doing with their milking cows.