The Federal Reserve wasn’t created until 1913 and is actually privately-owned by various bankers; it is NOT a governmental body. They loan currency to our government at interest, which means that every dollar in circulation is created out of debt.
Bring back the gold standard and start minting coinage out of silver again as well.
I believe they are currently working on this, C.I.C. Trump brought the stolen gold back to this country, as well as executive order 38138 dissolving properties of persons who participated in election Interference, seditious, conspiracy, etc.; All of those assets are being liquidated and dissolved I believe and put back into the United States treasury for use for the people Of our constitutional republic. This is our birthright under God and it is In the process of being implemented along w/BRICS. Every other country C.I.C. Trump visited capitulated to him, I believe our constitutional republic is set to Have currency.
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