There is much talk in our country about what women are allowed to do with their bodies. And I see many posts here just exacerbating the issue. If women are being held accountable for being raped, then men should assume an equal responsibility. I suggest chemical castration for any man found guilty of sexual assault. Men, we cannot continue to have free rein, we are horrible at it.
It is obvious that self control is lacking in our country. If that is meant to be the way of things, then we need a proportional response.
All around our country right now, women can receive a deeper sentence for illegally aborting a baby, but a rapist, regardless of the number of offenses, seems to be able to serve his time and continue in his ways.
This is unacceptable. If men are so superior and deserve the accolades for work well done, than we also must accept responsibility for our actions. As a man, I cannot stand being surrounded by this miasma of sexual deviancy passed off as “boys being boys”. If that’s how boys are, then I call for chemical castration at birth.
Sound crazy? So is being raped and getting pregnant, then having to carry that man’s baby to term against your will because a group of other men said that’s how it should be.
I’m not calling for anything crazy. Just something to edit men’s bodies to make them feel the sting that women have lived with all their lives. It’s not that crazy. Don’t like it? I’m sure they don’t either.
All respect, your answer does not even come close to the heart of my initial issue.
The issue is that women are being raped en masse and men do not have a vested interest in changing their ways. If there is no answer to men who think they can take what they want, it is the same as allowing these things to happen.
Men are physically stronger and typically there is not physical evidence left behind to prosecute unless the woman goes straight to the police following the event.
This is all very heavy on our modern women, and there needs to be an answer for the actual aggressors.
Don’t throw statistics when the statistics from the Me Too movement still give men like me nightmares. To think that there are less women in the world who have NOT been victims of sexual violence than ones who have is a very telling statistic in and of itself. And the answer is not “Give the women more rules.”
While I do agree there is an epidemic of sexual violence against women, and also children, and I also agree under the current system of law there are too few consequences, the idea of castration as a resolution seems a bit extreme. Perhaps a lengthier prison sentence, or other deterrents. But the fact is, all sexual assault cases are difficult to prosecute because there often is a lack of physical evidence.
I get what you’re saying though, there should be more severe consequences for men. I would counter that with saying I believe we need to create a more wholesome society altogether and break the cycle of sexual trauma inflicted upon women and children.
We need to get our country back from lawlessness. In NY, most sexual crimes are not considered violent therefore the punishment is negligible. This type of crime was downgraded in recent years. Perhaps the problem itself stems from the legislative and judicial power of the state you live in.
I really appreciate your knowledge and understanding of this subject. It seems that despite my best efforts, I’m emotionally blinded on this subject because of how I feel and what I and my wife have experienced.
I am realizing that more research is required on my part. I believe that you’re correct, and I both thank you for, as well as take to heart your correction and call to action.
I stand by my original sentiment, but agree that it needs to be leveled. Perhaps a three strikes system that deepens in severity at each offense.
And I unequivocally agree that a healthier nation is required for any lasting and real change. We need to clean our food, our entertainment, our bodies, and our minds before we can hope to enact lasting change in this circumstance.
Perhaps you could consider deleting this post and repost some refined ideas after some research?
God bless you and your family. I’m sorry for the pain and trauma you and yours have endured.