The Abortion debate truly revolves around having exceptions for Rape, Incest, and the Health of the Mother. In order to end abortion, we need to attack the issues at the beginning of the events instead of just offering solutions once a pregnancy exists. In order to do this we truly need to take into account Women’s Health and Safety, therefore, I am suggesting the following:
Rape and incest need to become Capital Punishment crimes. These crimes affect the entire life of the victim and the perpetrators spend very little time in prison, and currently aren’t being restricted enough when they are let out of prison, and the majority of them reoffend.
Parents, guardians of children, and sex traffickers, or anyone that sell children to sex offenders need to receive long prison sentences, which could be made shorter, if they cooperate with authorities to turn in the people purchasing the services.
Anyone who claims to have been raped and is found to have lied about the alleged rape needs to receive Capital Punishment, as they were willing to allow someone to be put to death for their lie.
Any child born to a child under the age of 18, whether or not the mother states the name of the purported father, needs to have a paternity test ran in order to determine who the father of the child is. Any family member that is identified as the father of a child born to a child under the age of 18, shall be given Capital Punishment. If the mother states she doesn’t know who the father is but gives a list of possible fathers, she shall be determined to not have lied and shall be free from punishment.
The health of the mother exception needs to be further sussed out in order to make sure that women who have spontaneous miscarriages, and the doctors that care for them are not held responsible for an alleged abortion.
Once these measures are put in place and actually enforced, the number of abortions will decline, and eventually there won’t be an argument for abortion at all.
Respectfully no .
But your wording , a child born to a child under 18 do you hear yourself? What about the child’s right to be able to not be forced to continue to be impregnated after abuse? No mention of any other women . What about a woman’s right over her own body? You just can t lump everyone into a box there are so many reasons women have abortions and girls too. You cannot put this decision into anyone’s hands other than the person who is physically going through it.
You missed my entire point. Go after the Rapists and there is no more need to have an abortion exception for Rape and Incest. You have to stop the problem at the beginning, not deal with it at the end. If you want women to have control over their own bodies, then STOP the people who are abusing them.
I am assuming by your name that you are male, and therefore have a male’s perspective on a uniquely female issue. However, you missed my entire point. Go after the Rapists and there is no more need to have an abortion exception for Rape and Incest. You have to stop the problem at the beginning, not deal with it at the end. If you want women to have control over their own bodies, then STOP the people who are abusing them. I am 100% against abortion, but we have to fix the underlying problem that women aren’t being protected from being violated.
Killing an unborn child because of how it got there doesn’t make it ok.
Just as I don’t have to be black or a slave owner to know that enslaving blacks is morally abhorrent, I don’t need to be an unborn baby or a woman to know that killing unborn children is evil and wrong.
The underlying problem behind punishing rapists is that they are hardly ever reported or charged, and difficult to prove/convict from there, so your proposition wouldn’t move the needle on that dynamic.
Even if it did, rape/incest accounts for 0.05% of abortions. This idea wouldn’t come close to ending abortion.
BTW, I have also created a policy proposal regarding abortion. It won’t “end” abortion, but it addresses the top concerns about abortion and pro-life laws and will end the polarization. Would you please view it?
What about two 18 yr olds who use contraceptives but still the girl gets pregnant ? They are set to go to college but an accident should prevent her and don’t tell me she can do both as the reality is no you can’t not unless you are rich.
Your all missing the point each person should have autonomy over their own body following their personal beliefs not somebody else’s righteous view!
Ashley, I read some of your proposal, and agree with some of it, but I am completely anti-abortion, so your compromises for the abortion pill and rape (forcible rape is not a subset of rape, all rape is forcible) aren’t acceptable to me. Abortion is traumatic to all women with a conscience, so killing a baby because they were raped is not a solution for them, it just doubles their trauma. My whole point is that most of the pushback is due to people being convinced that there needs to be an exception for those who are raped and/or victims of incest. I don’t care what little percentage that is, the rest of abortions should be illegal no matter what. I do like your approach to the problem where “health of the mother” is too broad and can be used to promote an abortion or prevent care. Those definitions need to be made as that is the second reason most people say that abortions are “needed.” My point still remains, if we really care about women and their physical and mental health, then we need to make Rape, and Incest Capital Punishment Crimes. Until we get rid of Sex Trafficking, parents selling their kids to pedophiles, stranger rape, etc. we will never (in some people’s minds) get rid of the “need” for abortion.
Yes abortion is traumatic, and rape victims should be counseled about that before considering abortion. However, the majority of Americans, including many pro-lifers accept that rape should be an exception. Like it or not, your view against rape exceptions is not only extremely unpopular, but could sabotage efforts to pass any restrictions at all. Trump supports a rape exception, too. Besides in four years, we have a new chance to support more changes or restrictions. Just because one law passes, it doesn’t make it permanent. Thanks for reading it.
That wasn’t my point. I realize we will never get rid of the rape/incest exception due to the fact that it is the #1 reason a lot of “pro-life” people support abortion. My point is if people actually care about getting rid of all abortion, or even if they just cared about our women and children, then they would get behind making the rapists and pedophiles pay for their crimes in a way that would deter the majority of them. However, it doesn’t seem like people care about our women and children that are abused on a daily basis. Nope, they just want to talk about how we can kill babies in a gentler, kinder way. One that doesn’t make people uncomfortable. Well we should be uncomfortable, as children of all ages are raped on a daily basis. Some are raped multiple times a day, and we only care about them should they become pregnant, and then we have to be compassionate and let them kill the innocent baby, and then they have to live with the memory of the abuse and the murder of their child for the rest of their lives. Maybe I should rename my topic, as people just don’t seem to understand my point. Any suggestions on where I should post it, and what I should name it?