No man will be obligated to pay child support for any child that is not confirmed by DNA testing to be his, except in cases of adopted children not related to either the mother or the father. Paternity fraud should not be supported by the government. Child support injustice is one of many legal disincentives to marriage and families. Treating men as ATM’s to pay the price for the misdeeds of dishonest women should not be tolerated. Men who do the right thing by starting a family or even stepping up as a step father, should not be punished for doing the right thing be being enslaved as welfare providers even when he learns he has been deceived and used as a financial provider for some other man’s children. Such policies discourage marriage and families.
Important proposal. There are too many men who are forced to pay child support for children that are not theirs. Right not, lying and deceive is rewarded by the government.
If they did pay child support and it’s proven it’s not their child, they should get a refund. Seriously.
This is already happening in many states. Unless, the man signs the birth certificate as the dad. Then they have to fight to get it off.
How about mandatory drug testing for welfare and unemployment too?
i have a policy like that, check my account. but i never thought about drug testing
By the same token, if a woman names a man as the father of her newborn within 90 days of birth, the state should require a DNA test. If he is the father, and if she is receiving state or federal support, he should be required to a) pay child support and b) be listed as a parent on the birth certificate so that the child can receive dependent benefits if he has military or private health insurance or federal disability, VA benefits. This does not change the need for Family Court to determine whether or not he gets any parental rights. If he’s sober and has a clean record & there is no history of domestic abuse, he should get visitation rights if he’s supporting a child. Children need fathers. She doesn’t have to agree to co-parenting or a situation she believes is unsafe for her or the child, but he is entitled to know his child, perhaps supervised visits at a neutral location.
The child support policies are ridiculously in favor of the mother. The cost of child rearing should be SHARED! The mother should have a manditory financial responsibility as well- NOT including govt assitance.
Career breeders should be requred to provide the insurance- again- NOT govt assistance, so they HAVE to have a real job, that is outside the relm of procreation. If the father wants to carry the insurance, support is adjusted to reflect it.
The financial burden shouldn’t be carried soley by the father.
I thought this was already a policy requirement. In PA, many years ago they required it. If the test came back as not the man’s child, the accuser had to pay for the test.
DNA tests are easy and I don’t see why every case shouldn’t have it. If it’s your kid then great, if it’s not then great too. Stops fraud and helps those who turns out it’s apparently not yours.
DNA testing should be done before the father’s even allowed to sign the birth certificate. And if he chooses to opt out of that that’s fine but it should be documented.
This should not be federal law. Let the states take care of this.
DNA testing should be required of the Mother, Father and child. This would also prevent abducted children.