Make scanning of ID’s at all businesses illegal

I was told at my local gas station that when buying alcohol or tobacco products it would be mandatory for my ID to be scanned. I know it’s to make sure it’s not a fake ID but I can’t be convinced that’s the only information that is taken. I’m well above buying age and there is no law requiring scanning of IDs only we card and I’m fine with showing my card. but not scanning. with what can be scanned has all my info and what I bought how I bought and when. A gas station has no business with that info. It’s illegal search and Seizure.

I agree completely. The only people allowed to scan an I.D. should be law enforcement. I was standing in line to purchase beer at a local store as well as the man in front of me. The clerk asked for his I.D., looked at it and then gave it back to him. When I attempted to purchase, she asked to scan my I.D. When I asked why she wanted to scan mine and not the man in front of me, she replied, “his I.D. won’t scan in our system because it’s from Mexico.” I left.