Make Mega Corps Illegal

It should be illegal for Corps:

  • To Lobby

  • To have any say in policies…

We also need to put a stop to the Mega Corp. For example Blackrock, Statestreet, Vanguard they own each other and hold large to majority shares in most big companies.

The whole octopus with tenticles everywhere is just another form of Monopoly.

There needs to be more competition to be a true free market.

The reason this is a National Security issue is because these companies have been pushing a globalist tyrannical surveillance state agenda. Which is in direct conflict and opposition to Our Constitution. They fund radical groups, they implimented an ESG score etc. All coordinated at their WEF meetings in Davos.

The UN, WHO, NATO along with WEF are major threats to our Sovereignty, Freedom and Safety. Not to mention the billions of pur tax dollars as well. The saddest thing is that they are making us fund our demise and build our own digital prison.

A Complete withdrawal and disassociation from all of them. And an investigation into their vast web that includes NGOs.