WEF and others must be designated as terrorist organizations. Unelected oligarchs shall be prohibited from exercising their financial power as political power. Their influence must be eradicated from our governance structures. A serious investigation into the activities must be undertaken and any of their nefarious acts be exposed and those responsible must be held to account. Any American citizen found guility of collaborating with such groups (Bill Gates, Larry Fink, and others) to undermine the sovereignty of the United States must be tried for treason and punished accordingly.
Add the WHO as another org that we should disengage with, and which should be considered. US Taxpayer’s dollars should not be funding it - either directly, or indirectly through subcompanies and funding organizations.
ANY organization that attempts to supercede US Law - as the WHO has attempted with programs that intend to mandate health-related rules, laws, and regulations - infringes on American citizen’s sovereignty and rights.
Any such organization should be considered an Enemy of the State, and treated accordingly.
Well done, David!
Any interaction with an NGO should be scrutinized. Additionally, a serious review of all 501c3 organiztions needs to be completed to ensure that no nefarious intent exists. The abuse of tax deductions needs to end.
Aw, c’mon guys…
Do you seriously don’t think a bunch of billionaires, flying their private jets into Davos to tell us we shouldn’t drive our cars to work, isn’t altruistic?
So the darling of the WEF is herself a MILLIONAIRE (while still in high school), owns two (2) cars, flies around the world in a private jet and has to take time away from high school (where she might actually learn about the various ice ages and REAL changes in the Earth’s climate) just to say to the United Nations “HOW DARE YOU?”…that could just be an a few factual oversights…not specifically being a bribed child sympathy figure to front for world domination by these other billionaires, right?
We’re probably just jealous because the billionaires didn’t invite us to participate in the influencing of world policies by promoting US for financial success along with various world goverment officials.
Surely MI6 would have sent 007 if these billionaires were trying to 86 US, right?
[adjacent post]
Also add Bilderbergers, Davos, IOM, Council on Foreign Relations, UN, WHO
WPATH is run by activists. They have been exposed as promoting guidelines not based upon evidence. Additionally, they shut down a study they commissioned of Mayo when the results did not align with their agenda. They also removed all minimum ages for medicalizing minors after being pressured to do so by Levine.
This is not a peer review evidence-based medical organization and should not be treated as one.
I was with you until you lumped in Bill Gates. I don’t understand this social media hate of Bill Gates, he has done nothing but good business and charity for society.
@aigles Let me see if I can explain why.
It’s his globalist policies, disregard for individual rights, and general pushing of solutions that benefit his globalist agendas without respect for national or personal sovereignty.
Some examples of quotes from Bill Gates are:
- “Certain individual freedoms may need to be sacrificed for the greater public good, especially in terms of health measures"
- “Global challenges like climate change require global governance, and sometimes national governments will have to conform to international standards for the common good.”
- “We need to create a system where the vaccine is required for travel and access to certain settings.” (in the context of access to PUBLIC places and services)
- “It may be necessary to mandate vaccines in certain cases to ensure widespread immunity. While it’s important to respect personal freedoms, the health of the public has to take precedence when we’re dealing with a pandemic.”
Even presuming you believe that man-made climate change is a thing, and the covid vaccines were safe and effective, he is frequently out there with global-rule over national-sovereignty and public-agendas over personal-rights. His views on vaccine mandates are particularly egregious as they disregard issues of bodily soveriegnty, not to mention individual’s health situations and concerns, and specifically intend to curtail a free citizen’s rights, access to public services, freedom of movement, and essential things like ability to work and provide for one’s family.
Gates has put his money where his words are and excerted his influence to move the needle in his global-over-individual direction.
Looking at one sector, his foundation is a significant source of funding (and in some cases the single largest funding source) for:
- The WHO (world health organization) who saught to, and was largely successful in, imposed significant restrictions on personal freedoms such as mobility, employment, and individual health choices
- GAVI (global aliance for vaccines)
- PATH (another vaccine promoter)
- GHSA (global health, again vaccines)
- The Gates Foundation granted $1.5 million to EcoHealth Alliance, an organization Anthony Fauci used to direct money for gain-of-function reasearch to the Wuhan Institute of Virology that Covid escaped from.
- doubtless, there are others.
Gates and his foundation have provided sustaining funding to climate change orgs like:
- The World Bank (global-scale carbon pricing and climate change policies)
- United Nations and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ( global policies that seek to impose restrictions on individual behaviors, consumption patterns, energy use, and travel)
- Breakthrough Energy (promotes mandated restrictions on personal and corporate freedoms, limits on the use of fossil fuels, carbon taxes, banning certain types of vehicles and industries)
Ok that’s plenty of examples. Basically, Gates’ focus on global agendas and governance consistently places those goals above the rights and autonomy of individuals and nations, and in direct opposition to them in many cases.
That’s why.
Now that would be world changing that’s probably the best thing that could ever be done for the world
The awakening is happening. It makes me happy
I didn’t see his call for depopulation/population control listed. Not exactly my definition of altruistic.
Anyone associated with WEF or WHO should be thrown in prison and removed from their position of power in any capacity of America.
Americans seem to have fallen in love with Bill Gates. But other countries know what he has done and he’s actually being sued by other countries for knowingly killing people to test out some of those vaccines that he has patens on. Africa being one of them!
Since it wasn’t included in the body of your post, I just wanted to reiterate that the ENTIRE Soros family needs to be deemed terrorists, their assets seized and forcefully removed from our country, never to return, or arrested for terrorism, whichever works best.
A majority of Fortune 500 and significant private organizations including ALL financial services firms attend these meetings and create their BOARD AGENDAS as an output of these meetings meaning that all climate, DEI indicatives, etc. come from the WEF. Once the WEF state sponsor of terrorism label is created, AMERICAN companies can not use the WEF to create initiatives that do not have the best interest of AMERICA in mind.
How about we just reinforce USA sovereignty? A simple law saying at no time will we allow another entity to supersede US authority to govern its populace.
.oh, wait, that’s the Constitution of the United States!!! We can choose to collaborate with any of the listed agencies with the written understanding between parties that we will withdraw if their objectives do not align. Also, No individual or group entity may speak for the sovereign United States. And any who try will be prosecuted.
Yes I agree with this! Add the WHO and Fauci as well! And restructure the FDA! They should not be in bed with Big pharma! We need to get a hold on Big pharma!