Please make holistic medicine mainstream again. Get the WHO and elites out of our health. Mainstream western medicine is a sick model money grab…at our expense. Please encourage more studies on natural remedies, like the GAPS diet, for autoimmune diseases. Make my insurance company cover alternative treatments. Thank you!
Agree but this is already practiced by Chiropractic Physicians and Naturopathic Doctors. By making it mainstream more people should be using those specialists. Otherwise we are going back to the Iowa Plan of 1962 where the AMA is trying to destroy all other professions. People should be aware of the Specialists that exist and use them. Like Dr. Wolfson (Cardiologist) says Chiropractors should be the PCPs because they specialize in lifestyle, diet, wellness etc. They can refer out from there.
Unfortunately, many states (Tennessee, for one) refuse to license “Naturopathic” or “Wholistic” doctors, thus insurance companies won’t cover the care they provide. Not only do we need to address State legislators and reform the laws, but also the crooked insurance companies who won’t cover these services.
We do not want it covered by insurance. They destroy anything good by allowing only some things and denying others therefore not letting the patient actually get the treatment needed for it to work.
The reason a lot of things are not covered or licensed is thanks to the AMA efforts many decades ago successfully making a plan to destroy all natural healthcare providers. An example of this is the 1962 Iowa Plan. “The Iowa Plan states that such actions taken by the medical profession should be persistent and behind-the-scenes whenever possible. The medical community should never give professional recognition to doctors of chiropractic (DCs), and thus a successful program of containment will result in the decline of chiropractic.” This included working toward legislation to exclude certain types of healthcare providers. It includes working with licensing boards to limit or exclude types of healthcare providers. And so on.
This was the same type of methods they used on many competitive providers. If they were preceived as valid competition they were approached this way. Unfortunately, it still continues today and there are lasting effects.
I totally agree with you. I’ve used alternative most of my life.
Very expensive with out insurance. I have spent over 50 thousand but can only go so far. Also our food doesn’t help.
What did you spend over 50 thousand on? Something is not right. It’s cheaper in the long run to use alternative care.