Make America a Constitutional Republic Again by Removing Unconstitutional Laws

1.) Review all Federal laws on the books for constitutionality and simple single subject language.

2.) Compile list of unconstitutional laws and send them on a regular schedule to House and Senate for review and subsequent removal.

3.) House and Senate provide list of laws they successfully voted to remove.

4.) House and Senate provide list of unconstitutional laws they did not successfully vote to remove. This list is published to all states who may decide if they will use nullification to exclude themselves from those laws.

5.) For every new law put on the books, it must be noted where in the Constitution that authority is granted. Also, ten existing unconstitutional or unnecessary laws must be removed for every new law placed on the books. A bill
should be limited to no more than twenty five pages. Bills must be submitted a full ten calendar days before it goes to the floor for debate. This will give time for legislators to read and research bill before it is debated. There can be no last minute changes to the bill. If changes are needed, bill is pulled, changes are red lined and full ten calendar days start again.

6.) We must clean up our legal system. Lawfare has been used against many innocent people who were never guilty of a crime, but were bankrupted trying to defend themselves in a rigged system.

7.) Numerous examples of this happened during Covid. One healthcare practitioner said vitamin D helps our immune system fight Covid and other viruses. This is a true statement most reasonably intelligent people would agree upon. Our Federal Government sued him for misinformation resulting in massive legal fees. They used our tax dollars to punish an innocent citizen who only spoke the truth.

8.) The old saying “show me the man and I will show you the crime” is so true. With numerous laws on the books, it is easy to find something that can be used against a political opponent or someone who has a different opinion than the approved government narrative.

9.) The Patriot Act is a clear violation of the 4th Amendment. It is used against law abiding citizens whose only crime is using a commercial airline. For that, we must be practically strip searched, patted down, our shoes removed, and our liquids must be in tiny bottles. They might even have to look closely at your unmentionables in your luggage. The government wants to make sure you don’t have the audacity to have $10,000 of your own money on you either. They say this is to prevent money laundering. Maybe they should investigate where all the foreign aid goes and give us an accounting of those tax dollars since it is always a lot more than $10,000.

10.) The Second Amendment is very clear. It shall not be infringed. This is something any fourth grader would understand. When our government tells us they want to make us safe by violating our rights, we should not comply. These talking points usually happen about five minutes after a shooting that looks strangely like a false flag.

11.) Stop letting unelected bureaucrats write our laws. When “We the People” relinquish our God given rights to a government promising safety, you get and deserve neither. Once you lose your rights, you usually never get them back. Let’s not squander this golden opportunity to drain the swamp, make our government accountable to the people and leave our children and grandchildren a world of freedom and prosperity. Let’s Make America a Constitutional Republic Again.


Splendid proposal. And really sad to see it, in a way. It is a damned shame that we need to suggest a policy to support what our Founding Fathers already established. It only shows how far into the weeds we have drifted in such a short time. Nice proposal and well rooted in American tradition. Bravo Mary! :us:


This was excellent. Great job. :+1:


Thanks. It is a shame so many do not understand their rights and are not willing to fight for them. If we don’t want to do it for ourselves, we should do it for our children and grandchildren, just like our Founding Fathers did for us. They are probably rolling over in their graves at how we squandered what they gave us. But now is our opportunity to do the right thing, even when it is hard.


Thanks. So much needs to be pulled out by the roots such as the Legal System, Public Education, Federal, State and Local Governments, Hospitals, Medical, Big Pharma, Election Authorities, HOAs, Post Office, etc. Unfortunately, we didn’t defend our rights and demand better. I’m hopeful that enough people have woken up and will get engaged in restoring America.


2nd Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of REBELLION AGANIST CONSTITUTION AUTHORITY) is ALREADY AT WORK IN THE WORLD, (but it is RESTRAINED ONLY UNTIL HE who restraines is taken out of the way.



Just a relevant topic.


Fantastic proposal! I agree with every single point you made.

I think that is what Trump is doing

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Like you, l hope we can get action taken to remove all of these unconstitutional laws that are being used against law abiding citizens!! I think we already have a ruling to help with your ideas. Now, how do we get action??

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Get rid of taxes period! The government extorts money from you by taking your property if you don’t pay your extortion money (taxes)
That has been going on way too long!
We the people said so!

It is impossible for a government to function without revenue. The Constitution specifically states that any and all taxes must be indirect, (tariffs/duties) and that all direct taxes (income/property) must be apportioned per our population. The Constitution also states that Representatives should be apportioned per every 30,000 citizens.

Since the 16th Amendmend and the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929, both our Representatives and Taxes have gone unapportioned, leading directly to Taxation without Representation.

Tariffs will replace taxes!
Like the companies that I worked for and shipped those jobs to outside of this country to make their labor cheap and then they shipped them back into this country for free! Those companies will wish they never had done this. Lost jobs for profit! Those companies will be paying the tariffs that will replace the taxes. The IRS is going away and the external tax service will replace the IRS! Pay attention! Gonna happen!

For far to long americans have been regulated to death, we the people cant move without paying the government off first,