The cost of rent has gotten ridiculous. Years ago, young people could pay to live in their own apartments, and now roommates are almost essential. Young people are relying on their parents more than ever before, as the cost of living gets more expensive. Please make rent affordable. This will also help lower the population of homeless people in America.
Cost of rentals doubled at the start of the scamdemic, at least where I live in FL. The cost of living went way up, but income did not. A landlord would rather rent to 2 and 3 families living in a 2 bedroom home vs. charging less for rent to a senior, just to get the profit margin higher. This is not right. People are hurting. People cannot pay these high prices. Please help.
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Agree. I had to rent a ROOM (and pay someone else’s mortgage!) because I couldn’t afford an apt of my own. And I was in my 50s at the time. Utterly ridiculous. Apartments should be VERY affordable so that people who choose not to own can live comfortably as well and still have money left to enjoy life without having to sacrifice anything.