Limit the number of jobs US companies can outsource to other countries for cheap labor

This policy would limit the number of jobs U.S. companies can outsource and help prevent layoffs by keeping remote jobs in the country. By prioritizing American workers over cheaper overseas options, companies can strengthen local economies, support fair wages, and build a stable, resilient workforce here at home.

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I agree, I work remotely and have seen some of my coworkers get replaced by Indians.

UnitedHealth group is doing this non stop. All our jobs are going to India, Philippines, etc. Do we really want all our personal data, names, address, social security numbers and ALL medical information being sent offshore? I’ve been on 2 different teams in UnitedHealth and both teams work have been completely sent offshore. Literally thousands of jobs are being eliminated for U.S. workers for just this company alone. And it’s all medical/personal information. Why are we allowing this?