Insurance Should Completely Cover Cosmetic Procedures After Giving Birth

Motherhood is a wonderful experience. However, it can also cause excessive weight gain and other issues both during the pregnancy and after childbirth leaving women to feel undesirable by their significant others and themselves. Many women suffer from body dysmorphia as a result. Dieting and exercise alone simply cannot reverse conditions such as Diastasis recti which is the separation of the abdominal muscles during and after pregnancy. Women should have the right to have liposuction and an abdominoplasty covered by insurance after childbirth. This could significantly decrease postpartum depression in women. It is my belief that women who have children ages newborn to 30 should still be allowed to have this procedure completely covered by insurance (PRIVATE).

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This is a ridiculous ask. This is not the Insurance company’s responsibility or the American taxpayer. You want plastic surgery, you pay for it yourself.


I would also add in Physical Therapy with the Cosmetic to help mothers rebuild the muscle structure.


But gender reassignment surgery can be completely covered! BTW…I am talking about private insurance that I pay into weekly in excess of $200+.

Another proposal that’s demanding that we the people who pay for insurance be required to pay for the procedures of other people.

Frankly speaking, if you think this is a genuine issue, you would be better off addressing it by starting a charity to address the issue with funds donated by individuals who agree that it is a problem.

If you’re talking about the government mandating it, that should also be repealed.