Heavy metal, mold and parasite testing should all be covered by insurances and of course the treatment as well. I also believe these should be part of our yearly physical exams when we go see our doctors. I think our physicals should be all encompassing and include many other tests for a holistic and accurate view of someone’s health. Parasites, in particular, have been found to cause mental illnesses, cancer, memory loss, skin conditions and many more. Heavy metal toxicity can cause many issues as well including infertility, brain damage, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases and many more. You can do your own research on these things and learn so much more. So many of us may be negative impacted by one or all of these and not even know it. Overtime, these issues only get worse and they don’t just go away without treatment.
I agree 100% with you. Right now, natural paths or other physicians under natural medicine are the testers. Private cost means $$$$$. Many believe these practices should be covered by insurances to help with the cost. Out of pocket expenses can be $2000 and up. Labs, visits, and more…Govt has turned a blind eye to natural medicine and healing and given their support to pharmaceutical and western medicine. Much work needs to be done to make the medical spectrum balanced, and even ly affordable. Give the people a choice.
I honestly feel like if we’re getting rid of the federal reserve, that means we have more control Of our country. Especially banking. Maybe if we were able to get enough people in on creating some form of savings account that Does biannual interest at 7% twice a year we would be able to get rid Of a lot of the insurance issues that we have within our country. (Maybe even creating a national stock that all citizens put into every check& when accidents occur, we can provide proof and then receive payout based off of estimated Pricing. Then have to send completed photos of the reconstructed damaged property in order to receive help on whatever next issue may occur)
Essentially the same take that we currently have on insurance, but not allowing adjusters or companies to take advantage of the customer.
Obviously insurance would still Be needed, But as a long-term solution to ensure that homeowners are able to get things taken care of on/in their damaged property without hesitation And relying on Large corporate insurance to pay.
I agree. Also, if your landlord is responsible or negligent and causes sickness, they should be held responsible. There are only a handful of states that do this. So many people, including doctors & the law, don’t take these poisons seriously.