Mold and Enviromental Toxin Related Illnesses

There are studies linking mycotoxins (toxins from mold) to a wide variety of neurodegenerative diseases in studies. Studies have shown some of these toxins create neuronal apoptosis (nerve cell death). In my medical practice, I have seen it linked to chronic fatigue syndrome, IBD, fibromyalgia, migraines and many other symptoms/diseases. So many buildings in this country are water damaged and so many people are sick from mold in their homes.

Common inspections from basic certified companies and individuals often present false negatives when houses are bought that have mold. I see people go into hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt in many cases to fix their homes that are making them deathly ill. We need better policies to hold builders accountable and better support for people from an insurance perspective so when their water damaged health is making them sick, they can fix their house, and thereby their health, without bankrupting them.

Many people cannot afford this and continue to live in these houses despite evidence that is showing that this is making them sick. They try to survive on drugs that barely mask any of the symptoms. If we could just help them get well, not only would this be better for them, but it would cost the system less money in the long run.