Illegal Immigration Plan of Attack

The incoming Trump administration has made some huge promises on illegal immigration. More than 10M illegal aliens were let in the last 4 years alone creating a reasonable estimate of 30M illegal aliens in the US right now. That’s close to 10% of our population.

The short term goal the Democrats had in allowing these illegal aliens in is to shift the power of the electoral college in their favor. Citizenship has never been a factor in assigning electoral votes which are based on a state’s population. That’s why many Democrat states are sanctuary states. They have been allowed to get away with defying federal law for decades and are vowing to continue under the Trump administration. Which brings me to point one of the feasible policy the incoming administration old have to bring as much resolution to the issue of illegal immigration.

  1. Charge any person that has conspired to and followed through with an overt act, defy subvert and thwart federal immigration law, be they Governor or sheriff, with Conspiracy. Sanctuary states are unconstitutional and those implementing them are at a bare minimum committing Federal Conspiracy crimes. CHARGE THEM. Send a message.

  2. Cease ALL immigration NOW. This is in the President’s authority. This country took a breather for decades after Ellis Island. Time for a breather.

  3. ENFORCE ALL IMMIGRATION LAWS ON THE BOOKS and go after the money and big employers, and also banks that facilitate loans and more for illegal aliens.

  4. MAKE EXAMPLES out of employers from big food executives to mom and pop at the diner. There has to be consequences and fear of continuing to break the law.

  5. Remind Mexico how much trade we send them and demand full cooperation with the repatriation of their citizens. Fire a warning shot across the bow by shutting down the US Mexico border to auto and pedestrian traffic while allowing trade to be unaffected.

  6. END BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP. This need only be challenged in court OR pass a bill. It’s a ludicrous policy that no other country follows.

  7. Use the US military to immediately secure the Southern border and build a permanent barrier where there is none NOW.

  8. Hire 150K ICE agents NOW.

  9. When I said end all immigration I want to be clear include student visas at least being dramatically cut, say 90%, and worker visas based on true need not cheaper tech guys from India so someone can buy a bigger yacht and 4th home.

  10. USE National Guards and any military you can and if Posse Comitatus prohibits you then declare illegal aliens enemy combatants or whatever you need to do.

The Trump Administration has the keys to the kingdom and they can truly fix illegal and legal immigration now if they have the will to. Nothing is stopping them but themselves.

This is a sound immigration policy that requires only that we utilize existing laws and tools.

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