If you don't love it leave it or get kicked out

We have many people protesting the USA, flying flags of Hammas and Isis, many of those are American Citizens, but some are here as students or with a green card. Any person who is participating in these protest that is not an American Citizen should be kicked out of the country and not allowed back. If a person who has been granted citizenship that should be revoked and they should be kicked out of the country. As to American Citizens participating in the promotion of terrorism organizations they should be arrested.


What about free speech? Free speech does not only apply to speech that we approve of but also that which we do not approve of. And who decides what speech is to be allowed and which is not.


Good Point and I agree. Any that are not citizens should be kicked out if they are anti-America. That said, I also think many dual citizens or other related countries should be kicked out as well if they are protesting and this should also very much include prostesting for Israel’s side. Unfortunately, Trump is apparently going to continue ushering in communism by making it a crime to speak against Israel or Jews.


Yes and no. Non-citizens protesting is one thing, sure you don’t like what we’re doing and aren’t one of us, go away then, but all citizens have full and equal rights including the right to protest. If we start undermining the rights of our own citizens then we’ve stopped protecting from terror and begun terrorizing.


AGREED! The US USED to virtually DEMAND that EVERYONE be assimilated! Part of that was becoming a PATRIOT! We have people IN GOVERNMENT that have NO knowledge of how the US was, LIE about the US, and are a NET LOSS to the US. Such people SHOULD NOT BE HERE!


Yes, but remember education is the first key. Non-citizen foreigners who protest in America because they don’t like American values or her most important ally, ISRAEL, yeah, bye, because our US Constitution says we need to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic. We’re shooting ourselves in the foot if we don’t. If your home country you came from is better, go back. Plus, if Americans have wrong ideas about America and Israel, I think we should solve the problem with education first. If people were presented with the information from the other side, too, we wouldn’t have so much hate against America and Israel, and the protests probably wouldn’t happen on either side. If they still protest, arrest them and provide free classes to give the person an opportunity to see the other side and change their mind. People like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro prove all the time on college campuses that when people have access to more information presented to them so that they can hear the pro-America side of the story than the one side they’ve been spoon fed since elementary school, they see through the indocrination and they change their mind. Problem solved. As a Gen Xer who graduated from public high school in the 90s and went on to a public university, I can vouch that there were some teachers and professors with strong Anti-American opinions who held and taught absolutely nutty ideologies, like men are bad because they’re all sexist and rapists (so says the female sexist who hates men), you shouldn’t kill animals to eat meat because that’s sexist and bad for the environment, humans weren’t created by a God because they evolved from monkeys and if you answer otherwise you get a lower grade on your exam, pornographic poetry is necessary and good reading for literature students wanting to teach jr high students and porn should be read to students in class by the male professor, heterosexual and homosexual pornography should be shown on the big screen in the University’s largest and most popular class - Human Sexuality, where they also teach that babies in at least one other country normalizes the idea of parents molesting their own babies, and that maybe Americans should, too, the Cosby Show and all 80s shows were racist against blacks and people of color, etc…, just some examples of the insane and harmful ideologies I heard taught in the classroom. I didn’t learn anything that was pro-America in the public university I attended. I had to learn outside of school what wasn’t taught in school about the Holocaust, Vietnam, or the Korean War, or anything that I felt would be helpful or good for me or kids I wanted to teach as a jr high school teacher, so I chose not to get my degree and focused on better use of my time, efforts, and money, that I actually believed in. I’m hearing that at least some school districts in recent years refused to hire teachers and other employees that were politically conservative with pro-American values, while leaving those positions unfilled. If they could hire only Anti-America teachers, why can’t we hire only pro-America teachers, when the US Constitution requires that we protect America from enemies foreign and domestic, and the most important way to do that would be education preventing Americans from becoming domestic enemies? Things have been so backwards! We need to turn this ship around! For hundreds of years, America would not have allowed such counter-productive propaganda to be taught to American children, and many of these nuts teaching now think it’s dangerous and indoctrination to teach why the traditional American values come from truth and have been and will be good and for Americans and the world, that the nuclear family is good, that the Holocaust actually happened and why we should love and not hate the Jewish people, that America is and always has been the country everyone around the world flees to because it provides opportunities, safety, life, and freedom for everyone that they can’t get in their own country. If we let Anti-American foreigners and “educators” lead uneducated Americans to protest against us, that’s just stupid, and regardless of education, there will be a few that fall for the Anti-American lies. If the majority of our youth are educated with truth, though, less of them will fall for the lies, but we need to make sure we don’t have the wrong people with the wrong ideas teaching our kids, and yes, deport the foreigners who are activists against America and her most important ally, Israel, .


It’s called FREE SPEECH! :roll_eyes:

That’s coming. No more duel citizenships. Spain has already started deporting people who were not born there. UK and Germany as well.


If you are not a citizen the constitution does not apply to you. You are here by our good graces or illegally. If you are a citizen freedom of speech does not entitle you to promote terrorism, terrorist organizations like Isis and Hamas. Nor does it enable you to promote the genocide of Jewish people, Israel or the United States. Inciting violence is against the law not a right.

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I am not sure how Trump came up in this being that he has not been President since 2021 and he will not take office again until the 20th of the month. That said, Israel has always been our greatest ally, while Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah and others have repeatedly made it clear they would love nothing more than to see us all destroyed. That along with the fact that Israel was attacked first causes me to think if Trump supports Israel, I am with him on that.

I get what you are saying, but I think what they are doing goes beyond protesting. We all, (citizens) have the right to peacefully protest, we do not have the right to terrorize a group of people while doing that. We don’t have the right to deny individuals of access to an education they have paid for and we do not have the right to destroy property, we do not have the right to block streets preventing individuals from getting access to public services like ambulances. These individuals who are not citizens should be kicked out of the country, the ones that are, and who are chanting terrorist chants, they have gone to far and there should be some consequences for their ill behavior.

I agree and if you are unwilling to take the oath of office then you shouldn’t hold the office.

I am so looking forward to President Trump holding office again.

No what we are doing here is called free speech. Peacefully protesting is called and expressing our views in a peaceful way is free speech. Blocking people from getting into an educational building that they paid to go into is not free speech. Burning flags that you did not pay for is not free speech. Speech calling for the death of an entire group of people is not free speech. Chanting anti-American chants that includes things like death to America is not free speech. It is illegal, it is at least harassment and at worst an act of terrorizing individuals. I also think it is outrageous to block streets preventing ambulances, police and firefighters from getting to individuals who need them. If that isn’t against the law it should be and if anyone is harmed because of if every person involved should be held liable.

Yes, I probably should have waited to bring Trump into it. Will just expound on Israel (Israeli gov’t). They are not my greatest ally nor many other patriotic Americans. The leftists against Israel couldn’t care less about our borders of course, they’re just following the new thing. Our troops should not be sent to die in other people’s wars, nor should our money or assets be sent. What have they done for us as our greatest ally? They intentionally killed American soldiers and civilian contractors aboard the USS Liberty with President LBJ’s approval many years ago.

I don’t want Muslims in power in the U.S. either. Those that already are should lose their positions if they have an Islamic first agenda and/or committed other crimes. Regarding Islamic terrorists, I hope Trump does as promised and gets rid of as many as possible while he deports illegals.

The propaganda is out there from all sides. I just don’t believe the attack on Oct 7th occured without many being in on it. I hope more people will watch the documentary, “Occupied,” that came out a few months ago. Lastly, most Republican politicians and many democrats are paid off by the Israeli lobby, AIPAC. Lobbying should not be a thing.

I agree with you, and appreciate you taking the time to write all of this. I remember when my daughter came home from school and informed me that women are treated so unfairly in this country. I told her, I can’t say things have always been perfect, nothing is, I can only say that here we have the right to fight for fairness, whereas in some countries we would be killed for saying anything about women being treated unfairly. In some countries if the wind blows your vale up any man who sees it including strangers have the right to beat you. I told her and this is still true. There are people all over the world who would gladly trade their best day for your worst. Unfortunately, spoiled individuals do not realize the sacrifices that those who came before them made, or how good people have it here as compared to many places in the world. I would not mind if those who promote Hamas, who curse Israel, had to do a few months of a tour hanging out with Hamas. I think that might open their eyes and close their mouths.

As much as I agree that if people are unhappy they should just leave- this does infringe on “freedom of speech”.

I do however believe that they should be forced to live temporarily somewhere else to really see how good we have it here.

What’s communistic about supporting Israel?

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My concern was that if Trump enforces additional anti-Semitism ‘hate speech’ laws, it could infringe on free speech, which I see as a form of censorship, a communist tactic. I worry about this due to the foreign influence of AIPAC on most people in power and other reasons. However, after rechecking the alternative “conservative” sources I relied on, I realize they took several videos out of context. Some headlines and articles claimed Trump and Kristi Noem supported harsh penalties, fines, or imprisonment just for criticizing Israel or Jews. After watching those particular videos, I see their claims don’t align with what was said so I’ll be more cautious in the future.