I think most sensible Americans can agree that allowing tens of millions of undocumented people into America is a mistake. Especially considering how many countries were allowing criminals to go in an effort to unburden their criminal justice system and the possibility that radical terrorists infiltrated the border in that time. The question is how do we move forward? It would be a mistake to institute mass deportations. Both ethically and politically. It isn’t the fault of the innocents that they were allowed to enter because of poor policy decisions. I would wager the vast majority are merely seeking a better life. So rather than mass amnesty, offer mass paths to citizenship. Kind of middle ground. But on the assumption that the border is closed to further illegal crossings. People who immigrate here legally are required to finish a series of steps on their path to citizenship. It’s not fair to those that came legally to offer blanket amnesty to those who came by illegal means. But they are here, an issue in need of a solution. While merely a rudimentary idea someone much smarter than I could take it and run with it. The basic premise of the solution is this: to allow illegals the chance to come forward and earn their citizenship, but to deport those unwilling to accept the terms of citizenship. That being an American is meaningful and good. Therefore becoming one should reflect the same.
Saying the words path to citizenship is not an answer that is an avoidance and we hear politicians do it all the time. If you want an answer you go to the states immigration should be something that improves the country where the people are happy and the immigrants are happy what we have going on is the building of two sides and unfortunately the immigrants are going to pay for that. To fix this problem you talk to the states these people aren’t living in DC they’re living in each individual state so DC might could take in 5,000 a day but each individual State cannot. You asked the governors to ask the state representative to go to pick up their phone and to call all the county Social services in their voting district and ask them how many migrants could we send you and not put a strain on social services or be taking away from the people who are already on them. Then you have them ask for a list of food banks and they call the food bank and they say how many immigrants could we bring in without causing a strain on the food banks and that representative writes that number down, and then he calls the housing authorities in each county and says how many low-income houses are available to rent, and how many migrants could we bring in without displacing other renters or causing the rents to go up and harming the renters that are already using the non state paid low income housing, didn’t you ask him if there is any state low income housing available and they write that number down. Then you call the mayors of each town and you say hey how many low-income jobs do you have available and how many unemployed people do you currently have they could also call the Department of Labor for this one, but the Department of Labor only keeps the statistics of unemployed people who are collecting unemployment not those who are not collecting or who collected out of it. So that would be a skewed number but they could call the mayors of each town and get that information. Then they look at all those numbers and they say you know my representative district could handle this many migrants without harming the people that already live there. That representative then gives that number to the governor who takes all the representatives of that state and he adds those numbers together, and he calls DC immigration and says look we can take an X number of immigrants and no more for this year. And every year they do this. The immigrants they can go to that state and take the assistance that state offers however they may not collect assistance from another state if they move to another state before they have actually been given citizenship. So so now we have the number that doesn’t harm the people, if they’re asylum seekers and have been given priority they can have like a up to 4-year permanent residence, where they can work until they have their court hearing to find out if they’re actually an asylum seeker or just someone jumping the line. Everyone else who has been invited by the state to come into their states can have up to a 5-year permanent residence and if they haven’t committed any crimes they’re not using any Social services after 5 years they can get another 5-year permanent residence then after they’ve spent 10 years as a permanent residence they can get an automatic citizenship if there’s not been any criminal activity which would allow them to vote. And if they come in illegally like jump a border or overstay their visa intentionally and then they’re just deported and if they do it again they’re in prison for 3 years and then deported. Nobody gets to come into the country not through Port of entry or any other way without an invitation from the states where they would be living all of them asylum seekers all of them have to stay in another country until they have been accepted into ours. That’s how you fix this problem you don’t sit on this you don’t sit in DC and pull arbitrary numbers out your ass
How to approach the problem of undocumented illegal immigrants
Simple: you find and deport all of them.
I have these Ideas I hope it could help in some way. I don’t know if the local government keep track of whom came off the bus that was taken to their city or not but I hope there is some data to help crack them down. But these are some idea that I can think of to help the officials to tackle this enormous task.
- Neighborhood Tip-off line/email: U.S Citizen and residents see and know their neighborhood’s new comer. If those that moved there Don’t seem to speak much English, there’s a possibility that they are illegal Immigrants. Have the resident tip-off line so that they can hone in on newly arrived residents in the area so the officials can come to questions if they have proper documents or not.
DMV in each cities should have a record of how many Brand New Driver License or ID has been made over the past 4 years and check their address. If there are a massive amount of ID/DL given out to same address, it could be a hit of illegals, Revoke their ID/DL or have some kind of tag on them so if there is a traffic violation, they can be brought in for questions or prove of residency.
Schools - School should have a small list of newly entered mass of students who doesn’t have a lot of information. If they are willing to cooperate to help crack down illegals, this could be a big help.
4.Landlords-Apartment complexes (possibly could be part of the 1st idea) Landlords can kind of know if the tenants renting their apartment are legit or not. If they could tip off to help locate them that would be great help.
- Work place tip off - Offer Tax write off incentives for businesses that help removing illegal Immigrants when they tip off those who didn’t have documents when hiring. Also could offer Tax write off when hired U.S Legal residents.
Once we could locate and capture the illegals immigrant through cross checking paperwork, Legit paper work takes very long… fake ones are within days… so if they can prove their paperwork and cross checking… based on when they came and how they came… if their paper trail is less than 3 years that should be check thoroughly and deport through the southern border! However they came in!
I can only think of this much. If anyone else got anything better please feel free to add! and please keep adding more ideas so that once we get President Trump back in office, this thread could help them with ideas to how to locate and deport the illegals!
Some illegals are given cell phones… wouldn’t those be trackable? All states should cut off government assistance, they will show who they really are very quickly by robberies, make sure they get punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Just deport them and solve the problem!