Homeless Crisis

There are huge issues with homelessness that government refuses to work through. Like many people around here we continuously throw money at a program or tax and we rarely see anything good become of it besides the non-profit or government workers get a good pay check. They do not care if the homeless crisis gets fixed.

What we need to be doing for homelessness is find out why they are homeless in the first place.
Was it drugs?
Was it financial struggle?
Was it mental illness?
Was it just bad luck?
Do they prefer not to associate in our society?

After we ask them these questions, we need to figure out what their goals are or what they would be happy with. There’s a place for every human. When you were in the stone age, homelessness was never an issue. So ask yourself, what has changed?

My opinion on being able to fix this is quite simple. Ask them where they’d like to see themselves, what interests them or they are good at, and if they would like to get off the streets and stay off the streets.

To combat drug homelessness, you must ask them if they are ready to get off drugs. Then help them quit cold turkey by putting them in a prison like system that does community service. The community service would be going to multiple beautiful areas around our country and just picking up trash, helping cut forest, and other activities. They’ll also have the opportunity to play sports and crafts. Once they are clean for a year. We will help them get into a productive job and give them housing for 2 years with other likeminded individuals.

We need to be treating every homeless person separately and not give the vibes of we are the government and we are here to help. Nobody will change unless they want to change.