Holistic Health Freedom Act (HHFA)

Holistic Health Freedom Act (HHFA) policy proposal, focusing on deregulation and enhancing personal choice:

Holistic Health Freedom Act (HHFA) – Key Elements

  1. Tax Incentives for Holistic Health Savings

• Expand HSAs and FSAs to cover holistic treatments like acupuncture, naturopathy, and massage therapy.

• Provide tax credits for individuals who invest in holistic and preventive health services, empowering personal wellness without mandates.

  1. Private Insurance Incentives

• Encourage insurance companies to offer holistic coverage through tax deductions or credits, allowing consumers to choose customized plans with holistic options.

  1. Health Freedom for Individuals

• Protect individuals’ rights to pursue alternative treatments without regulatory interference, as long as services are safe and consensual.

• Reduce government oversight of personal health choices, giving consumers control over their health spending.

  1. Employer Incentives for Holistic Benefits

• Offer tax breaks to employers who include wellness packages with holistic options, letting employees decide how to allocate benefits.

  1. Transparent Pricing and Consumer Choice

• Promote price transparency for holistic care, driving competition and lowering costs without mandates.

• Support a voluntary certification program for holistic providers to help consumers find reliable care without regulatory burdens.

  1. Public Education, Not Regulation

• Fund public education on holistic health options to empower individuals to make informed choices without insurance mandates.

  1. State-Level Flexibility

• Let states create their own holistic health policies, encouraging innovation and competition that could expand access organically.

  1. Holistic Care Voucher System

• Provide individuals with a small annual wellness stipend or tax deduction to use on any health activity, from yoga to nutrition counseling, without requiring insurance coverage.


We need the government to have fewer mandates about what insurance is required to cover, not more.

The more things that insurance is required to mandate, the more insurance policies go up for everyone.


I Agree with you so I changed it! You are RIGHT we need fewer mandates!!


I’m a vertified Body Code/Emotion Code Practitioner. People have told me I have fixed their physical or mental health issues that doctors couldn’t. Unfortunately, all cost is out of pocket since insurance doesn’t cover any holistic healing modalities. There is a HUGE need for the holistic community to recognized and give the people more options than just doctors and toxic pills.


We definitely need easier more affordable access to holistic health.


Some of us holistic practitioners are already certified but not all certifications are equal…so instead of a new/additional certification…create list of qualities for discerning depth of training as well as years of experience / actual already in practice. Create a state level repository of vetted holistic practitioners. Some groups are already doing this themselves (Reiki) but consumers do not know to look at these sources. Create a state level rotating board of qualified people to vet applicants for the holistic directory. Some of us have already been vetted by the existing groups so these groups could be tapped to assist or at least create the first version of the directory. The word “certification” is over used and people with no required client hours with instructor oversight prior to completion of training is NOT a certification!