Have an Armed Security Officer at Every Public School

Every second matters in an active shooter situation. There have been an increase of threats to schools and I’ve seen principles bring security in AFTER a threat. Let’s be proactive rather than reactive. Security presence decreases threats and decreases police response time to come to an emergency.


I’d vote for this, but I’m all out of votes.

I’d like to see 4 armed security guards with clean backgrounds at all public schools.

I’d love to see this.

My only question is how? Already there are not enough police officers to go around. Government buildings are sometimes left unguarded and the shortage makes it harder to dispatch police to any issues.

In order to do something like this we need more officers. Part of the reason people don’t want to go into police work is because the police force is severely underfunded. They don’t get paid enough to put their life on the line everyday.

I think in order to accomplish something like this we would have to start first with increasing the police force and making police work (along with other emergency services) have more or better benefits to make it a more sought after place of employment.

(Not dragging on your idea! I love it just thinking about the logistics of it :smiling_face:)

There are millions of retired homeless veterans in need of jobs! The majority of them are mentally competent and capable. Most of them can’t find work and sadly end up on street corners begging for help. Why not give them a purpose. Our taxes fund personal vacations for poloticians in the millions. We could be using that money to fund security of schools.


Thank you for your comment and support. This is why my policy title says security officer but my description does synonymously say police which is my fault. Security officer and police officer are not synonymous. I believe we can train security professionals in gun safety so that they could be armed while on the job. This would protect police to be utilized where needed for higher priorities and security officers are at schools for emergencies. If I can edit my description, I’ll change all the police words to security.

How many votes do we get?!

I’m not sure, but I’ve run-out.

I definitely think that will help. I believe we should arm the teacher. The process should go something like this: teacher opts into program. Teacher is given extensive background check. If the teacher passes they are enrolled in a program that teaches them basic gun safety, how to use the gun ie. This is the trigger, this is the sight etc. ,and what qualifies as self defense or the defense of others. After they pass a written test on this information they should then be enrolled in a practical usage class. Such classes may include how to actually aim then shoot and assessing threat level. After they pass a test (physical not written) they should then be certified to carry a weapon.

That would fix the problem of not having enough officers.

IMO a functional defensive perimeter is just as important.

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I know many current and former military members who would volunteer for the duty of protecting our school-age children by serving as armed security. Myself included. When passed, where do I sign up? Nothing will be a bigger deterrence to potential school-shooters than having several armed ex-service members guarding our children. I would suspect school shootings would drop to 0 really quick.

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Mass employment of vets in schools, armed; will require a deconditioning and mental health program that is free for vets suffering from PTS.

Safety, training, and healthcare for vets.

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agreed, no more school shootings overnight.

To add to this requirement of having armed officers in the school, there should be a minimum ratio requirement of officers to students. My husband is an armed officer in an elementary school and he is the only armed officer responsible for 500 students. I believe there should be at least 1 more armed officer.

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We put up gates around all of the schools. The only way to enter is through the main office where you are met with bullet proof glass and another locked door. We have private citizens who after taking a gun safety class patrol the grounds undercover ARMED. They are retired military, teachers and parents.

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And those teachers that choose to let them also.

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I would love to see those positions filled by veterans.

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I would extend this to fencing in each school yard and people and students are screened at the gate. I have observed this in some counties I have seen the parents lined up outside the fenced in area to pick up their children, they were not allowed in on regular basis. This may take a some culture change and trust building but will stop shooters in our schools. I know this goes against some of our illusion of being free but lets look at things like property taxes so children can go to school and also can take your home away if not paid. And vaccines that you need to give your children’s so they can go to school, are we really free.

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