Gun Laws

All gun laws should be outlawed as unconstitutional.
That said, make a federal concealed carry license that applies to all military and law enforcement veterans. No organization that does any business with the government may prevent the carrying of a concealed weapon, standard laws apply (Federal crimes, mental instability, etc.). This would mean that everywhere you have Vets, you’ll have guns and men/women capable of using them to protect others.
In the process, do NOT include PTSD as a form of mental instability, instead require approval of proof indicating that any Vet cannot concealed carry.


There is some confusion in your statement….
All gun laws are unconstitutional… the second amendment. So then with that, you can’t offer laws to restrict or not restrict anyone and where they can or can’t carry. You can’t have both. I’m a huge 2A fan and believe that it is a god given right. To make any laws to restrict someone from carrying/owning is illegal . If it is public space then you should be able to carry, private property should be decided by the owner of the property as it is their property.

The true confusion is making gun laws to stop criminals who by definition don’t obey the law. I believe what Brian Watchdog is saying is clear, states should not be able to play fast and loose with Constitutional rights with their own set of laws. I personally believe while this is a slippery slope every right given by the Constitution should be instituted federally.

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