An introduction to Natural Law via preferred policy positions; most problems attempted to be solved with policy on this site, are much more completely and easily solved with the proper application of law.
The law, as in the natural law and the common law, of which our courts are based, are via negativa pursuits; they afford for sentencing to be sought, restitutions to be extracted, punishments to be levied, and legislation to ensure no future trespasses of the like take place. When we enter into positive or constructive law we must assure, ensure, and insure that all proposals are in fact lawful.
All policies ought to pass through the judiciary to ensure lawfulness, commonality, and concurrency.
Policies, just like, standards, mandates, licensing, rules, regulations, initiative, etc. are examples of positive law; these are affirmative, or constructive guidelines telling a person, persons, or people how to go about a specific a interaction or chain thereof.
Policies like term limits, outright bans of ownership, obligations outside of those constructed by the constitutions of the territories one finds themselves upon, infringements on life, liberty, & property, implied or enforced involuntary participation in markets, recording & reporting personal data are unlawful pursuits and require undermining the law in order to implement them.
Rights, obligations, and inalienables are our civilizational ROI.
The more anti-fragile and robust your reciprocal insurance of self-determination is the more rights any given polity can offer their constituency. Inalienables such as the first amendment which insists on truth before face regardless of cost in brining grievances to up the hierarchy of governance, and the second which states quite clearly the forgoing of the bearing of arms is a criminal offense are the bedrock for producing the obligations in upholding those inalienables and in the provision of rights that ride upon them.
All rights are produced by peoples and are contingent upon the competence of those peoples in defense of those rights to uphold them. There are no God-given rights; this is a horrid enlightenment misconception. If this were truly the case; God’s hand would stop every abortion before it happened, but alas, He appears impotent in this matter. All rights are constructed by peoples and peoples must submit to the law to uphold them.
Here, I’ll go through each category and highlight unlawful incongruencies in policy creation and stability seeking. Many demonstrate thinking that some over-lay of intelligent rules will keep humans from acting outside of them. But, historically, only the law has corralled behaviors enough to put eugenic pressure on any given polity. And those laws that do the most good, set hard limits for those breaking them.
Health is party correspondent with life, with-in the trifunctional nature of the US pursuit of happiness (excellence); the other part of course is family.
Health can’t be mandated. No one can force another to be healthily. But, we can remove all unhealthy (harmful) options from options & action, and insure all actions that are inherently dangerous with-in any given market to off-set the damages to health participation in these markets may cause.
Mental health isn’t a problem; physical health is. We don’t have a mental health epidemic, we’ve got physical health, food, drug, compatibility, and cooperative dysfunction problems. There isn’t anything wrong with people other than poisonous inputs; from food to ideologies.
Fixing health requires, like most areas of decline, a reemergence of the family as the center and focus of all policy creation, and the family unit as the smallest pollical unit and the removal of unlawful pursuit at the expense of other polity members by externality.
The US can easily be food independent. And ought to be. We also ought to use our position as the number one food exporter of the world to put pressure on countries to adopt lawful legal practices and agency creating market places so we don’t suffer the externality of a constantly growing under class of people receiving handouts worldwide.
Adding poisons to food is criminality and punishable by law.
Food sovereignty, seed stores(storage), ecological stewardship, evolved building and community creation practices are needed components for a healthy pro-social functioning system of food supply.
Showing mercy to criminals is to attack the innocent. The West, advanced cultures, and all those who have produced civilizations worth presiding and persisting in culled their violent criminal factions ruthlessly. We’ve a justice system here; all prefixes for justice are perversions of it; social justice means to unlawfully alter the social arena, criminal justice means to unlawfully alter the criminal arena etc.
Here in the US, we insure one another’s liberty, the courts insure justice via settlement. When either of us quit we risk ourselves and the others.
Liberty is affordances for agency and autonomy to be expressed. All positive legislation limits liberty. Now this can be done lawfully or unlawfully. The former requires commonality and concurrency, as well as, sunset criteria when the outcome of a particular legislative maneuver is completed.
We have made a horrid error of epic proportions creating a monopolistic global economy. We call this the free market. The problem with this is that because the market is free the agents are not. Free market economics simple means you’re free to lie, cheat, and steal so long as you can coerce people into consent in exchange. The free market is immoral; it affords the trade of all sorts of civilizational capital (like trust) for a monopolistic measure of liquidity; dollars. We’ve brought conflict to commerce, this is untenable.
If we’re to have nations that express liberty we must have markets that are constrained to lawful interaction. Otherwise the liberty to steal from you will be taken, as it’s being taken now.
Only sovereignty affords for peace. The ability to hold and defend a territory, where freedom isn’t the options to leave but the affordances to stay. All nations must be capable of their own defense and self-sustenance. Nations, like citizens with-in them, must be self-determined by self-determined means to be included in governance at scale.
With the family as the centrality of policy creation; the parents of any given child(ren) are wholly, and solely responsible, accountable, and liable for them until they are under the explicit stewardship of another party or institutions, or have become self-determined themselves, being able to acquire citizenship.
Morals, ethics, manners, norms, and traditions are much more important than education as such. All parents ought be capable of raising a child until the on-set of sexual development as a core competency. This means raising children to 12 years of age; integrating them into the cultural surrounds, inculcating them to the civilization rules, and teaching them social sciences (the science of cooperation culminating in the Law) is foundational to creating a balanced polity with close enough ties to act pro-socially, even at an up-front price.
Our next iteration of capital markets ought bring capital to people instead of people to capital. All of our energy and infrastructure requires redundancy that isn’t yet built into our system. Each community, town, city, county, state, region, & nation ought to self-providing and self-sufficient across all markets where care for polity members occurs.
Currently there is only one state in the nation with the needed affordances to separate and secede without the need for additional infrastructure to be built. That state is TX, and I think voting to leave the US is on the ballot there this year.
All states ought have the provisions to exit the union. This is a built in function of our founding documents.
Legal border entry points and lawful means of obtaining work-permits, green cards, or citizenship are the only ways we ought to accept aliens from other countries. There’s no reason that the Mexican border isn’t a bullets fly zone everywhere but designated entry points. Homelands require sovereignty, sovereignty maintenance requires borders.
The US must morph from a free-for-all economic zone being pillaged by global companies, foreign countries (CCP, Israel), etc, and un-American foreign influence (WEF, WHO, etc.) into roughly 12 nations. We require the breaking out into separate nations, with various nation states emerging from them, federated in defense of the continent, in courts for interstate disputes, providing markets for exchange, a treasury for common exchange, and insurance upholding natural law.
Without the ability to be self-determined at each scale you become beholden to the holon that houses you.
The natural law is one of equilibrative retaliation. I issue this overview as education and a warning. Nature, including the nature of humans, retaliate against all unlawful maneuver in space-time through time. It’s a law as real as the laws of physics. We can create reciprocal and reciprocally bound nations and peoples. These lawful entities will usher in a golden age for humanity.
Please comment, leave questions, and otherwise interact with me and the fellows.
My name is Brandon Hayes, I’m the president of the Natural Law Institute. I am found easily, I answer messages direct and otherwise, I field questions, I can elaborate on any or all topics and content related to the Law and the organizations of polities, my institute is surely the only teaching social science completely and empirically, but I venture to guess we’re also the only teaching lawful governance and artful statecraft.
I am impossibly informed, here’s the leaderboards for topical information absorption ; I always do my due-diligence, I’ve enjoyed many of the contributions on this website; I look forward to working with many of you in the near future.
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Let 1000 nations bloom.
The truth is enough.
No more lies.
Brandon Hayes
President NLI
Natural Law Institutee](](](