I think due to recent attacks on our individual freedoms and liberties we should require each state to form a well regulated militia that acts as a formidable defense against a potential tyrannical government.
I believe our constitution would protect this policy as it is written in the first and mainly second amendment.
Part of the requirements would allow each state to freely form a single state militia that adheres to our constitution. There could also be amendments to assist in natural disasters or emergencies.
This would not be viewed as an aggression to our own government, rather a valid insurance policy against tyranny. After covid we all witnessed freedoms trampled on especially in certain states and many Americans were left helpless.
State Militia Act could forever protect our freedoms and preserve our constitution.
I’ve thought about something similar but at the municipal level with a state level coordinating body.
Would material and training be provided or would the members pay that themselves? Because if members pay their own way it helps to avoid some kinds of corruption, even if they do group buys for better prices.
Yes but there can be many ways to and that’s why I wanted to put the idea out there. It could be structured by enlistment by obviously being a state resident. I would personally like it to be men only have divisions or units based off counties in the states. Have some type of tax to help fund. You could appoint generals or leaders of each divisions, maybe a president or top leader that could be based off votes. Must have term limits. These are just some ideas.
How I would want it to differ from a national guard is it would be its own entity that is enforced by the people, for the people.
I Feel like the national guard would still be a tool that could be used against its own people. I feel the same as our military and i personally believe i witnessed that first hand during covid
I agree with the spirit of the main post. The State National Guard program was high jacked during Desert Storm and is all but an extension of the Federal government, they are primarily funded from them and have become one and the same. I think there just needs to be more restrictions in place on the Fed law enforcement reach and what constitutes a anti government establishment. As citizens we should be protected to assemble our own militias that can be recognized and I like the idea of having a “tax exempt” status.
Thank you for your input and yeah i agree on paying for our own supplies as well. I wanted to get the idea out there and let people like yourself help with details like this
I would chime in to say that this should be coupled with another idea, one which existed in the past but has since been done away with: Mandatory firearms training for schoolchildren, learning safe handling, best practices, and understanding the reason for our 2nd Amendment. We need to not only have formal State Militia in each of our States, but also a population being reminded from an early age that (1) a firearm is the same as any other tool intended for a specific purpose, and (2) the person holding the firearm is responsible for the consequences of its use, not the firearm itself.
If there is another proposal along those lines, I’d suggest merging it with this one. Upvoted for an excellent post.
a few States already have this, if not all of them I know mine does I’m pretty sure Texas does and I think Florida has a state guard also that is not the National guard it’s a state guard which is their militia.
National Guard and State Guard isn’t an actual militia. The ARMY National Guard is an adjunct of the army and gets their directives from that source. state Guard is not a constitutional militia in the sense that it is subordinate to LEO’s and other agencies when in fact the Militia are to have primacy over all law enforcement agencies as militia is the only organization named and expressly given the power to “execute the law…, suppress insurrection, and repel invasion”. I’m preparing a document that will go into all this more fully as well as a proposal I’ll submit when complete.
I disagree on forcing states to create a militia. The states already have the right to maintain a militia, but it’s up to the state to fund and plan it. That being said, many states have broad and subjective restrictions against “paramilitary” activities. I think every citizen needs an enshrined right to assemble, train, and prepare, without interference of the state.
This misunderstands the fundamental nature of our law and the emergence of our entire system of government from the militia. The constitution and second amendment requires the states have state militia, the fact we have no constitutional militia is simply dereliction of duty. Militia are “NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a FREE STATE” its where the term popular sovereignty actually comes from with regard to our participatory government.
No individual sovereignty can exist, only group ensured self-determination demonstrated by self-determined means can exist, and only with a population sufficiently able bodied, sufficiently educated, with a sufficiently competentclass distribution, sufficiently armed and accoutered, sufficiently organized, and trained to “execute the law…, suppress insurrection, and repel invasion” to produce, maintain, and defend the commons. The production of such commons resulting in the emergence of systems of governance whereby WE THE PEOPLE demonstrating sovereignty delegate responsibilities to our public servants who are subordinate to the militia where we vote to elect them to their offices in our respective cities, counties, states, and federation. As a result of which we have formed two houses in the past to represent our class distribution as an upper house for the professional officer class (Aristocracy) and a lower house for the general militiamen (middle class). By doing so we can negotiate trades between the classes reciprocally, test for commonality and concurrency. WE THE PEOPLE elect a president as executive in peace and as Commander in Chief of the “militia of the several states” “when called into the actual service…” of our federation when in conflict to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” to restore and maintain peace. WE THE PEOPLE, organized to “Execute the law”, delegate to the president the responsibility to appoint judges for our judiciary for the resolution of disputes and discovery of settled law. Our entire system emerges from the militia of the several states.
The militia is enshrined in our constitution and is the primary institution of WE THE PEOPLES sovereignty. Privet paramilitary groups are not constitutional militia, they could be privet militia companies under the current constitution but have to be accountable to the broader community they reside in by being subject to the broader chain of command going back to the governor of their respective states and to the president when called out of their respective states.
The problem with this,is every citizen is supposed to be armed to the teeth the same as the military already to protect and preserve his state its your civic duty.
I take it very seriously as should every other male citizen
The State National Guard can be federalized at any time the federal government sees fit to do so. A state militia would only be answerable to the state alone. As for structure, it would have to be built on the same premise that the US armed forces are. There would need to be a supreme commander with subordinate county commanders, local sub commanders, etc. The Governor would, of course, be the CIC.
I get what you are saying, but there are states laws preventing non-state militias, but the state doesn’t have a militia themselves. If you federally mandate militias, it’s just a slippery slope for federal control of those militias.
How can you tell the good militias from the bad militias?
Could Antifa have organized themselves as a militia?
If it is run by the state and local authorities, how is this any different from ordinary law enforcement?
My ultimate problem/challenge here is that should any act of physically fighting a tyrannical government be required, it will most likely be an illegal act… So the only purpose to which this militia could exist outside of existing law enforcement would be a prima facie illegal purpose…
I’m not afraid of law abiding citizens forming a militia, it sounds great to me on the surface. I’m afraid of all the ways in which this legalized militia could be used/exploited as a cover for street gangs.
What do you think you might be able to get away with if you were an inner city drug gang with the ability to use your constitutional rights to ensure all your members are properly armed and trained?
I understand your concern, this is rooted in the public being misinformed about what the militia actually is and isn’t. constitutional militia are not privet organizations. At most people could form privet companies within the context of the broader militia structure but would still be subject to their respective local chain of commands and audits. The militia structure provides lawful ways for vetting people and it is also restricted to where you live and/or work so you can’t go to your buddies neighborhood to buddy up with him.