Constitutional Amendment: Fidelity to the Constitution

As each President, Senator, Congressman, and administrative policymaker in position of regulatory authority in any government agency must voluntarily take an oath of office committing the individual to Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America -

Any author or signer of legislation passed into law that is later found by Federal Court to be Unconstitutional and any regulatory authority whose agency passes regulation into US Code that is later found by Federal Court to be Unconstitutional -

Shall be prohibited from holding any elected or appointed position within the Federal Government and be prohibited from employment within the Federal Government as a consequence of violating their Oath.

This prohibition will begin at the end of the individual’s current term if elected, or immediately if appointed or hired as an employee.

US Code - Oath of Office


This is probably the most important of policies to be instituted. We have to have common agreed upon ground rules in order to operate on. This is the constitution in its entirety. Continuity demands that the same rules are followed by all. Without this there is no rule of law as is so often tossed around and really has little meaning especially in light of the double tiered injustice system.


I really appreciate the sentiment here but im concerned about how it could go in practice especially if we say “federal court” whoch can mean many things. I’m worried about how it could be abused.


This could be a beautiful detail for the Right to Citizens’ Governance, whereby govt is for the people by the people, whereby govt respects the people’s Constitution, first and foremost. See the policy proposed here called: Bill of Rights 2.0 . This right is included.

This would pair well with Constitutionality Test Prior To Proposing New Laws