Get Rid of the Federal Reserve

End the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is the root of all our economic issues. The Fed prints money endlessly allowing our politicians to spend trillions on endless wars, social programs, etc.

Ending the Federal Reserve and returning our currency to a gold standard will require transparency from our elected officials regarding spending since our money will be backed by gold or other tangible materials as opposed to fiat currency.

Ending the Fed will bring further prosperity to the American people as they will ultimately have more money in their pockets that is actually tangibly backed.


I would add, let the government own the bank. Let the federal government have one, and each state should own one, as well.

When the bank issues a loan, the interest on that loan will go into the public purse. This will fund, or help fund, the government, such that it won’t itself have to borrow from a private bank.

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The Federal Reserve should be dismantled because it is a political arm of Globalists and one of the causes of Americans losing wealth. Created in 1913 by Woodrow Wilson for the purpose of control, It is not independent, despite its claims. Its board members are political appointees, and it functions as a central planning operation and must please the government in order to exist. The Federal Reserve acts like the GOSPLAN of the old Soviet Union: communist ruination central control. The government of the USA already has oversight of the banking industry: banking committees and oversight function already exists in the Federal Government. Why do we need the FEDERAL RESERVE that employs thousands of federal workers serving the same purpose. WHY? The government created it and the government can get rid of it. Too much power in the hands of a few. NEVER a support of FREEDOM.