Get rid OF IRS

I propose to end Federal Income taxes Their a illegal unfederalized entity and unconstitutional. . This tax was created solely for federal workers to pay not American citizens. Instead they changed it so they don’t pay and we do. We work hard for our money and half of our money goes to them to pocket and do whatever they see fit which is to fund wars, pay for things that does nothing to better our lives. America was prosperous before this illegal department was created. No laws were ever made that makes this a legal entity, but yet we allow it. Get rid of IRS . State taxes are fine as long as the money is accounted for and used to help each state. Otherwise a flat rate national tax would be fine with stipulations of never increasing.


Thank you for Your consideration, Fred Walker


Irs needs to only be there for business and audits for “special people” like the DC people, who can take bribes and insider trading. Ect….

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