Get off your ass and go to work

what about the people who work a full job and still receive benefits? because that’s a lot of the people I know that are on benefits. their jobs aren’t paying them enough and they’re often single parents who require a bit of extra assistance. how are they supposed to work and care for their kids and put their kids into daycare and then do this list of volunteer work?

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It wouldn’t apply to people who are working already

It only requires you apply to a certain amount of jobs. Then they no show the interview or turn down good job until the benefits run out. It’s not the same as the program she is proposing which is work in a volunteer position until you are employs again.

They also don’t make you get just any job - you can wait for a high paying job.

It is the most abused program we have. As a person that hires people for work it is def a must to reform. I see the abuses constantly



I think you need to provide sources for your claims.

1 quadrillion percent agree!
AND, on top of that, it shouldn’t be easy to obtain AND the decision on that should be transparent and easily accessible by anyone.

you are correct: the poster is apparently in HR like I am in trains - “why my train is late? we should… (fill in your “solution”) and do it now”…
A LOT of “applicants”, even IF show up, have no interest in actual work. I worked with trucking companies - good pay on the shortage of real drivers; so, a lot would come to get first 1-2 week pay to comfortably sit home for the following 2-3 months…

But the main point of this post remains: People are spoiled with current systems. People feel entitled and privileged - everyone around owes to them, while they sit on the porch of government-assisted place smoking a joint.
It has to be if not disallowed (it is a free country after all) then at the very least not encouraged and supported by the government (essentially, at the working people’s expense).

Who holds the purse strings of your “job”? Welfare? Going to work for people that are producing the problem won’t solve the problem.

Actually, I know lots of teachers who are working at a reasonable rate and appear to be single on paper but live with a partner who is also making a great wage and they go to starbucks daily and avoid filing jointly or mentioning they live together, but another home somewhere and still get food stamps. It is not reviewed well and many people who should not be receiving food stamps still get them. Single males with no disabiliites…I know these people. Live in Colorado, which is so socialist it might b=make it easier…but no, there is not a great way of dishing these out and yes, people who need to be pushed to make a wage or make more wages do recieve these.

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With that being said, do you mean drug test every person on food stamps, I am not on drugs and have not been, so why should I be drugs tested, just to get my food stamps, that I need to help with food cost, even if it’s only about $22.00 a month, every little bit helps.

A woman is able to stay on wellfare assistance as long as she has a child under the age of 18 yo. All she has to do is get pregnant again brfore the last child is eighteen. Total years on wellfare is 36 years, an entire adult working lifespan.


Bitcoin is a digital currency yes
But not the central bank digital currency -
Two very different things
One not centralized
The other- extremely

There isnt a central bank digital currency right now.

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Perhaps initially
Then if your clean random
Those that aren’t…
Another issue

But they were going to push one

They past a law prohibiting a digital central currency.

House Passes CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act | Financial Services Committee.

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I think drug screening should be part of that as well.


As an added thought.
Let some of them operate day care for other single parents on welfare to free up more labor!


Great idea

Absolutely as long as theyre on taxpayers dime they should earn their stay just like the rest of the USA works to keep our rent, mortgage and monthly expenses . Since we have a huge homeless crises rather than the USA paying non profit companies help people in need. We have such a hugh crises in North Carolina as Americans - democrats were usually for the people and created programs for the people in need.


Not “we” keep people on drugs.

people choose themselves what they put into their body, or in what kind of behaviour they indulge.

as you are certainly aware: addiction can take many forms. be it the legal drugs like alcohol, tobacco, coffee, sugar - illegal ones like cocaine, heroin and whatever is cooked up illegal labs - prescription medication used as drugs (we’ve got a pregabalin problem here where I live, for instance) … or it can even be an excess of a perfectly legitimate behaviour, like obsessive cleaning. or too much videogames. too much reading of sentimental novels…too much screen time.

so I wouldn’t even know how to get people off the most popular drugs. ban sugar and caffeine? or smartphones? really?

else, if just a small choice of these substances and behaviours should get banned, how and where draw the line? would you stop welfare payments because of excessive cleaning? or because of drinking too much soda? too much beer?

Addictive behaviour is in general self medication - a crutch that gives people at least some stability. at least some break from pain. a pause to breathe. you would not take the crutch away from someone with a nroken leg - so why take it away if there’s addiction? and take it away from people who anyway don’t have many resources, people who are generally on the brink of catastrophe? taking away their crutch might push them over the brink - with everything this ensues. which includes criminality, violence, robberies… instead of just letting them enjoy whatever small pleasure they have in peace.

do you really want to be responsible for more pain, more death, more violence?

why not let people heal first, and THEN they might eventually be ready to reduce addictive behaviours?