Get off your ass and go to work

This policy will require those abled bodied persons who are receiving benefits in the form of food stamps health and housing are. to be furnished with a list of volunteer work that they must choose and contribute their time.
This could be programs that include community gardens, cleanup in forests and parks, soup kitchens and any other volunteer work that is created.

This will save the state money and it will teach recipients good work ethic, and skills.

Welfare is and should never be a permanent arrangement.

An able bodied person is any one that is physically and mentally well.

To avoid fraud: a person that claims to be unstable would need to have on going required psychological counseling
Physical impediments loss of limbs or needing assistive devices to complete daily activities would not be defined as an able bodied person and would be exempt from this policy, unless they choose to be apart of it.

The goal is to wane people off of the system.

Furnish a questionnaire to those that qualify to see what their interests are, skills and what they like to do.

A list of all Jobs that match the above will be furnished to them and they can choose what they would like to do and try.

love to garden- help out with community gardens

Love children - donate time to be an aide

Love books - donate time at the library

Small business help

All people are born with gifts and talents, this could be an opportunity for them to be in a situation where they are able to share them with the community and in time move their dreams to reality.

I believe no one should have to do things they hate
Encouragement is realized with things of interest.


They already have a time line as to how long you can be on assistance unless a doctor signs a medical form saying you can’t work and you have to be waiting for social security. The state doesn’t let you be on welfare forever unless a person has the medical form sweetheart. Most people have to be at the workforce center getting a job otherwise your assistant shuts off


The food stamp office doesn’t hand out funds unless you provide birth certificates, pay stubs, and medical records. Also, you nearly have to be a teen mom or an elderly person to qualify. Income thresholds apply, proof of seeking work or starting work is required. Proof of loss of income is also required to verify lost wages and if you voluntarily quit a job. Reviews are done every 6 months and it’s required to submit everything all over again.


1- There are people who are on saboxin for heroine addiction claim they can not work and collect benefits- they are on this legalized drug forever- just as an example.

2- And there are plenty of illegal aliens receiving assistance money health insurance housing who are not citizens

3- there are many people that abuse the system and stricter laws and specific pinpointed outlines must be created and implemented


I agree that those cases need to be addressed, but requiring ALL EBT recipients, which you have never been clearly, to complete volunteer work, would include the parents and breadwinners who need foodstamps because working 9-6 constantly ISN’T enough to cover a families rent, food, clothes, etc. I happen to come from such a family. Hand-me-downs, getting a lot of my nutrition from free meals at school, and not seeing much of my mom in my childhood because she was working constantly, she has carpal tunnel now. My fourth grade teacher taught me to tie my shoes. My mom is a good woman and we had more time together after my dad FINALLY got social security for disability.
My point is you are talking about specific cases that must be addressed individually, like with migrants it is about directed federal efforts to prefer them, and with addicts abusing it it is most likely in very blue cities and states.


This applies to those who are not making any effort to work but continue to collect

A couple hours a day is not too much to ask
It’s important to contribute to society and begin to create work ethic and skills

Those that have disabilities are not able bodied persons


This policy would also encourage businesses to get involve by creating volunteer opportunities whereby their employees and the welfare recipients are working together Networking like this might get some off welfare and onto paying jobs


Make it mandatory if they want to receive benefits. If no volunteer program is selected then one will be selected for them


Yes!! I was going to add that


I know of people in ny where that’s not true
They are forever in the system for one reason or another

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WI does not let you sit on welfare. You have to go get a job and they will pay for daycare. This should be Nation wide. Im seeing an alarming rise in asylum seekers having 5 or 6 children without means to support their children as well in Minnesota. They just passed the CA law to provide Healthcare to illegals as well. The Federal funding for welfare needs attention not only for those reasons, as it makes people dependent for democrat rule, but there are people with serious addiction draining social security as well which runs hand in hand with welfare programs.


I agree 100%

To the illegal aliens point in your comment the answer to that is : TOM HOMAN!! They will NOT be a problem here any more. That man is on business!:muscle::muscle::us::us: #Americafirst


2 Thessalonians 3:10

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.


Yes agreed
Social services also not just welfare


Post Deleted And now in favor of the policy proposal.

Our entire system is flawed

We can take your statement reply and apply to most things and flaws in our govt.
for ex
There’s a large push back on states that banned it because of woman who are raped…
Should we focus on the true cause which are men who are carrying out such crimes and create steeper penalties to prevent raped from happening…,?

We must deal with one thing at a time and re-assess and amend as needed


Government- local state federal will save money in hiring people from those jobs and positions

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Questions, who make these decisions of who gets to stay on food stamps and who doesn’t
Next your saying donate there time, does this mean they will still be on food stamps or off as they donate there time, how will they buy food then.
What about us senior citizens, are you saying that we need to fall into these list, after we worked 40 or 50 years, it seems like you have not covered all your bases.
I think it still needs a lot of work but I get your idea, just not really laid out that great.
Why do you look at age groups first, sort through, those people who can be working and who is disabled
Then moved to the next age group, when you get the the 50 yrs old group and above, give these people the option, to work or not, in order for your plan to work will also need a way for people to have a job, to get paid, they can’t live off donating time.


I don’t drive and cannot drive. How am I supposed to get to my proposed volunteer job?