Freedom Cities

Self sustainable cities where there are open markets to provide services that benefit health, services, self employed trades, and even local mom and pop retail.

As long as you aren’t a franchise you should be able to operate tax free! The items sold or services provided must be in, and for your community members as long as locally sourced. This will incentivize people to buy local, and cuts ties with China, India, and other outsourced products as well as big corrupt conglomerates like Walmart and Amazon. Bring back choices. Get rid of monopolies.


While wholeheartedly agreeing with the gist of your policy, I humbly suggest replacing self “sustainable” which has become an emblem of the climate hoax, totalitarian rhetoric, with the term semi-autonomous or self-sufficient. This is a concept worth pursuing in great detail… the ideal disposition of human settlement in consideration of internal and external socioeconomic dynamics, as well as the relationship between man and nature, in mutual support and cooperation. How to build Heaven on Earth!

This is called “living in a small tight community in the country”. I’m not sure if it’s possible to implement this concept in a city as we currently build them. There are many factors involved including psychology, sociology, economics, climate, pollution, evolution, and architecture to name a few. But if you have any primary sources that discuss this I’d be happy to read them and be proven wrong. This is a topic I’ve been thinking about for a long time and I’m convinced humans havent evolved to live like caged animals in extremely large populations. We care so much about animal welfare but then treat ourselves just as poorly without batting an eye. The main problem and the reason why big companies can succeed where smaller companies and people fail is scalability. We cant grow enough food in one place to adequately feed a million+ people year around, and that becomes more problematic with manufacturing goods.

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I agree with getting rid of the monopolies but the self sustainable cities makes me think of the 15 min cities the WEF wants to put in and control us.


Honestly while i love eco friendly living this sounds to me to be outside of the purview of what the federal govt should be involved in. I think that for those who wish to live in such a place maybe this is a project for the private sector - like a real estate developer or some other private businesses venture.

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