Free to Own

Without exception no one in the USA actually owns their home. Taxation and eminent domain are just two processes used to confiscate private property. Every tax paying citizen gives their life to supporting the goverment, their family, their possessions and yet not a single citizen can be 100% confident that their tiny chunk of Terra Firma is theirs to have as long as they live. Property taxes prevent that sense of security. I propose every single person and every family has the right to own one primary home free of property taxes making it impossible to loose the only real tangible security any person will ever have in this life. I believe that this is the very least a human being should recieve in exchange for enduring at least 13 years of education and another 50+ years of working and paying into a system that is woefully inadequate on every level and is not designed to prosper the tax payers but a government that does not serve the people. NO PRIMARY PROPERTY TAXES!