Fix the horrible roads in the US

Some roads are horrible in the US and need attention! Where I live I’ve been after the state road since 2019 to fix our “side road/back road”, whatever you want to call it and all that’s ever done is horrible patch jobs (fix one hole miss the next 10, or half fix) and tar and chip. It has horrible pot holes, wash boards in places, drop offs from side of pavement that’s never been leveled or fixed, parts missing. It literally tears your vehicles up. We’ve had to put so many parts on our vehicles that the roads torn up and worn out because the condition of the roads. Also the state has had to pay me back for some repairs. The tar and chip needs stopped permanently, it does not help any roads and is a waste of money! The state always says they don’t have the equipment, money or supplies to fix the issues but has money/funding to put up new shinny signs, guard rails and re pave roads they usually do but let roads that’s falling apart and need attention go?!? It makes no sense! You always see the same areas worked on but nothing done to the roads that needs fixed! Make it make sense. We need an inspection of our vehicles to show they are road worthy and safe when our roads are not safe and is tearing our vehicles up! There’s places I guarantee I can go to and they are working on the road/highway they were 20-30 years ago still and/or again?!? So much makes no sense. And why can’t our roads systems ever improve, like why can’t we try new improved ways like other countries? Like better reflective lines at night, different pavement that lasts longer, different guard rails that are safer on and on. I understand it’s the states job, but something needs done


I totally agree with you our roads have major issues and the guard rails, bridges are all falling apart and nasty looking. Their updating all the intersections and paving highways but what about the rest of roads that these roads connect too. It really doesn’t make sense. All they do it put a bandaide on the urban and city areas that really need attention. There some areas I don’t drive on because the roads are absolutly horrendous.

This one post I like!
Here where we are for last 20 plus years the road is gravel and is no plans in sight to make it asphalt . all they do here is run the grader . one buys a nice car or truck and won’t last. all the gravel gets built up in the wheels and is carried in to the garage but, not just that we have to put up with the horrible dust coming in too…
Not just all this but the roads are narrow and even if asphalt the shoulders are gravel and that too is a real problem, They put more gravel to the shoulders and never clean it so little rocks end up on the road car catch it and can break someone’s wind shield.

It is also a hazard when approaching the corners one could slide on that and unable to stop is needed