We are in desperate need for American farmers. I’m descended from farmers, but the land has been sold off by elder relatives. My nephew and I would desperately like to farm, but lack the financial resources to purchase the land and equipment. For those like us, who dream of farming but whose only recourse is to apply for loans/borrow money, there should be guaranteed low interest loans at a fixed rate, provided the loans are utilized appropriately. For the last 20 years, I’ve watched southern Middle Tennessee farmlands be ravaged by development-cheap houses, apartment complexes for miles, and condos. Ours was a one horse town, completely lacking the infrastructure necessary to support the explosion of population we’ve had. We still don’t have the infrastructure and there is traffic everywhere at all hours. Land goes for millions of dollars now. We could have stopped that if there was an easier, more affordable way for young people to realize their dream of farming.
I have seen just in the past year how older farmers have passed on and there aren’t any taking over or continuing the farming.
There needs, I think, to be greater support. I am involved with the local farmers market (Gatlinburg, TN) and finding vendors with fresh produce has become increasingly harder. When some farmers have left (passing or moving) the land ends up becoming cabin rentals and that spreads out across multiple East Tenn. counties.